

2018-02-16    04'17''

主播: AprilAir

22 1

Love’s Secret 爱的秘密 ◇ ——By William Blake Never seek to tell thy love, Love that never told can be; For the gentle wind does move Silently, invisibly. 永远不要对你爱人说出来, 爱情是永远不能说明的; 要知道温和的风移动着, 总是静静地,无形地。 I told my love, I told my love, I told her all my heart, Trembling, cold, in ghastly fears, Ah! she doth depart. 我对我爱人说了,说了, 倾诉了我整个的心怀, 我发抖,发冷,剧烈地恐惧:—— 啊!她竟然走开! Soon as she was gone from me, A traveler came by, Silently, invisibly, He took her with a sigh. 一位漫游者飘然而来, 在她离开我之后不久, 只是静静地,无形地, 叹一声,他把她带走。
上一期: love's secret 爱的秘密
下一期: Nostalgia