

2016-12-10    18'19''

主播: 英语直播间

3142 77

A lot of people have qualms against travel books. Reasons are listed as followed: they are unreliable; they hype the mysteries and splendours of certain cultures; and they are inundated with sentimental, artsy-fartsy comments or philosophical nonsense. Well, are they all? In today's Bookchat, our reporters will discuss some of the best Chinese travelogues and embark on the journey of the world travel literature. *********************************************** Travel books mentioned/recommended in this segment are listed as follows: 1. Travels with Myself and Another, A Memoir by Martha Gelborn 1) Ernest Hemingway's wife talks about their travels to war front (Spanish Civil War) and afterwards to Vietnam and Nicaragua, East Africa and etc. 2) They met Chiang Kai-shek! 2. A Barbarian in Asia by Heri Michaux 3. Iron and Silk by Mark Salzman An English teacher wants to become a kung fu master! 4. Captain John Smith, Writings with other narratives of Roanoke, Jamestown, and the First English Settlement of Virginia, by James Horn 5. Life on the Mississippi by Mark Twain 6. The Motorcycle Diaries: Notes on A Latin American Journey, by Ernesto Guevara and Cintio Vitier Well, it's about Che Guevara! 7. Notes from A Small Island by Bill Bryson Actually everything written by him is highly recommended! 8. Country Driving: A Chinese Road Trip, by Peter Hessler 9. The Travel of Lao Can by Liu E You can find it in your high school textbook....