什么样的人被叫做“poster child"?

什么样的人被叫做“poster child"?

2017-01-20    06'35''

主播: 英语直播间

2568 66

【 Poster child 】 1. Ryan White became the poster child for accepting AIDS sufferers, after he contracted the disease from a blood transfusion and was expelled from his school. 2. Lonely George the Tortoise became the poster child of species extinction when it was discovered he was the last of his kind. 3. Mohammed Ali became the poster child of young American men who did not want to fight in Vietnam. Definition: Definition of "poster child" has since been expanded to a person of any age whose attributes or behavior are emblematic of a known cause, movement, circumstance or ideal. Etymology: Referred to a child afflicted by some disease or deformity whose picture is used on posters or other media as part of a campaign to raise money or enlist volunteers for a cause or organization. Other examples: A. Liu Xiang became the Poster boy of how Chinese athletes could excel in track and field events. B. Princess Diana became the poster child of how too much celebrity exposure is dangerous.