

2017-04-22    13'01''

主播: 英语直播间

779 27

Automatic gates have been installed at a busy crossroad in downtown Wuhan, Hubei province, to prevent pedestrians from crossing on a red light. And if you break the rules, your face will instantly appear on a big display screen. The gates, similar to the turnstiles at subway stations, have been placed near a major shopping mall on Jinyitan Road as part of the city&`&s effort to crack down on jaywalking. They are part of a pilot project to encourage people on foot to obey traffic rules. Synchronized with the traffic lights, the gates close on red and open on green. A large electronic display screen was set up behind the gate, and cameras monitor the pedestrian action. Anyone breaking the rules is photographed and shown on the display. The gates are still being tested, and guardrails will be built soon to prevent people from walking through the gap between the gate and curb. Talking points: 1. Is it practical? * Zou Hao, a Wuhan resident working in the public sector, said: "I think it is not a good deal. The cost is high and the results may be poor. * affect street view 2. Are they expensive?  the system costs 300,000 to 400,000 yuan ($44,000 to $58,000)  If the test is effective, the company will promote it in other places that have large pedestrian flows. 3. Do we really need such gates to prevent jaywalking?  Zou Hao, "To stop people from running red lights, raising people&`&s awareness of safety and strengthening public morals is essential. Our public behavior will influence others. Ignoring traffic lights puts lives in danger, and traffic is sometimes blocked." 4. What other ways we have to stop jaywalking? * Displaying the face of the jaywalker sounds a good idea, and won&`&t be too costly.