

2017-07-09    02'50''

主播: 安途工作室

199 1

介绍: 【博渊阁青年诗社电台】 栏目:【博渊阁青年诗社电台】 诗文:似云独徜徉 作者:华兹华斯 主播:玉扣子 责任编辑:安途(微信759490798) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 诗歌文本 《I wandered lonely as a cloud》                似云独徜徉 作者:华兹华斯(英国浪漫主义诗人)                 -(英译中)译者:道自然 I wandered lonely as a cloud, 我如云般独自倘徉, That floats on high o'er vales and hills 在山与谷的上空游荡, When all at once I saw a crowd, 蓦然我见一群群 A host,of golden daffodils, 一簇簇,金色水仙 Besides the lake,beneath the trees, 在树之荫,在湖之畔 Fluttering and dancing in the breeze, 微风中起舞翩翩 Continious as the stars that shine 连绵如群星在银河中光耀闪闪 And twinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line, 她们在无尽的边际线延展 Along the margin of the bay, 沿着湖湾边缘 Ten thousand saw I at a glance, 一瞥,我看到了她们成千上万 Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. 摇首舞动,挥洒绵绵。 The waves beside them danced, 波浪舞在近旁 But they out-did the sparkling waves in glee: 然,她们轻舞欢快胜过粼粼闪光的漪涟 A poet could not but be gay, 诗人喜不自禁 In such a jocund company: 如是欢愉陪伴 I gazed-and gazed-but little thought, 我凝视着凝视着,木然 What wealth the show to me had brought. 何等财富予我呈现 For oft,when on my couch I lie 常常,当我身卧长椅,在沉思中亦或茫然 In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye 她们便在我眼眸中闪烁 Which is the bliss of solidude 天赐孤寂 And then my heart with pleasure fills 欢愉心溢 And dances with the daffodils 共舞与你,水仙。