160222 经典文学《简·爱》第59期

160222 经典文学《简·爱》第59期

2016-02-22    02'02''

主播: Fred英语笔记

24486 510

I suppose, Miss Temple, the thread I bought at Lowton will do. 坦普尔小姐,我想在洛顿买的线是管用的。 It struck me that it would be just of the quality for the calico chemises, and I sorted the needles to match. 质地正适合做白布衬衣用,我还挑选了同它相配的针。 You may tell Miss Smith that I forgot to make a memorandum of the darning needles, but she shall have some papers sent in next week. 请你告诉史密斯小姐,我忘掉了买织补针的事。不过下星期我会派人送些纸来。 And she is not, on any account, to give out more than one at a time to each pupil. 给每个学生的一次不得超过一张。 If they have more, they are apt to be careless and lose them. 给多了,她们容易粗枝大叶,把它们弄丢了。 And, O ma&`&am! I wish the woollen stockings were better looked to! 啊,小姐!但愿你们的羊毛袜子能照看得好些! When I was here last, I went into the kitchen-garden and examined the clothes drying on the line. 上次我来这里的时候到菜园子里转了一下,仔细瞧了瞧晾在绳子上的衣服。 There was a quantity of black hose in a very bad state of repair. 看见有不少黑色长袜都该补了。 From the size of the holes in them I was sure they had not been well mended from time to time. 从破洞的大小来看,肯定一次次都没有好好修补。 He paused. 他顿了一下。 "Your directions shall be attended to, sir," said Miss Temple. “你的指示一定执行,先生,”坦普尔小姐说。 "And, madam," he continued, "the laundress tells me some of the girls have two clean tuckers in the week." “还有,小姐,”他继续说下去,“洗衣女工告诉我,有些姑娘一周用两块清洁的领布。” It is too much. The rules limit them to one. 这太多了,按规定,限制在一块。 I think I can explain that circumstance, sir. 我想这件事我可以解释一下,先生。 Agnes and Catherine Johnstone were invited to take tea with some friends at Lowton last Thursday, and I gave them leave to put on clean tuckers for the occasion. 上星期四,艾格妮丝和凯瑟琳.约翰斯通应朋友邀请,上洛顿去用茶点,我允许她们在这种场合戴上干净的领布。 Mr. Brocklehurst nodded. 布罗克赫斯特先生点了点头。 Well, for once it may pass, but please not to let the circumstance occur too often. 好吧,这一次就算了,但是请不要让这种情况经常发生。 And there is another thing which surprised me. 还有另一件事也叫我吃惊。 I find, in settling accounts with the housekeeper, that a lunch, consisting of bread and cheese, has twice been served out to the girls during the past fortnight. 我跟管家结帐,发现上两个星期,两次给姑娘们供应了点心,吃了面包奶酪。 How is this? I looked over the regulations, and I find no such meal as lunch mentioned. 这是怎么回事?我查了一下规定,没有发现里面提到过点心之类的饭食。 Who introduced this innovation? And by what authority?" 是谁搞的改革?又得到了谁的批准?” "I must be responsible for the circumstance, sir," replied Miss Temple. “我必须对这一情况负责,先生,”坦普尔小姐回答说。 The breakfast was so ill prepared that the pupils could not possibly eat it, and I dared not allow them to remain fasting till dinner-time. 早饭烧得很糟糕,学生们都咽不下去。我不敢让她们一直饿看肚子到吃中饭。