160514 经典文学《简·爱》第81期

160514 经典文学《简·爱》第81期

2016-05-14    02'24''

主播: Fred英语笔记

14227 463

Having descended a staircase, traversed a portion of the house below, and succeeded in opening and shutting, without noise, two doors, I reached another flight of steps. 我下了楼梯,走过了楼底下的一段路,终于毫无声响地开了和关了两道门,到了另一排楼梯。 These I mounted, and then just opposite to me was Miss Temple's room. 拾级而上,正对面便是坦普尔小姐的房间。 A light shone through the keyhole and from under the door. 一星灯光从锁孔里和门底下透出来。 A profound stillness pervaded the vicinity. 四周万籁俱寂。 Coming near, I found the door slightly ajar. 我走近一看,只见门虚掩着。 Probably to admit some fresh air into the close abode of sickness. 也许是要让闷人的病室进去一点新鲜空气。 Indisposed to hesitate, and full of impatient impulses - soul and senses quivering with keen throes - I put it back and looked in. 我生性讨厌犹犹豫豫,而且当时急不可耐,十分冲动-我全身心都因极度痛苦而震颤起来,我推开门,探进头去, My eye sought Helen, and feared to find death. 目光搜索着海伦,担心遇见死亡。 经典名著 简爱 Close by Miss Temple's bed, and half covered with its white curtains, there stood a little crib. 紧靠坦普尔小姐的床铺,被白色的帷帐遮去了一半的是一只小床。 I saw the outline of a form under the clothes, but the face was hid by the hangings. 我看到了被子底下身子的轮廓,但脸部被帷幔遮住了。 The nurse I had spoken to in the garden sat in an easy-chair asleep. 那位在花园里同我讲过话的护士坐在一把安乐椅上,睡着了。 An unsnuffed candle burnt dimly on the table. 一支灯芯未剪的蜡烛幽幽地在桌子上燃着。 Miss Temple was not to be seen. 没有看到坦普尔小姐。 I knew afterwards that she had been called to a delirious patient in the fever-room. 我后来知道,她已被叫到热病病室,看望一个昏迷不醒的病人。 I advanced. Then paused by the crib side. 我往前走去,随后在小床旁边停了下来。 My hand was on the curtain, but I preferred speaking before I withdrew it. 我的手伸向帷幔,但我宁愿在拉动之前开口说一下。 I still recoiled at the dread of seeing a corpse. 我仍然畏缩不前,唯恐看到一具尸体。 "Helen!" I whispered softly, "are you awake?" “海伦!”我轻声耳语道,“你醒着吗?” She stirred herself, put back the curtain, and I saw her face, pale, wasted, but quite composed. 她动弹了一下,自己拉开帷幔,我后到了她的脸,苍白、憔悴,却十分镇静。 She looked so little changed that my fear was instantly dissipated. 她看上去没有什么变化,于是我的恐惧心理顿时消失了。 "Can it be you, Jane?" she asked, in her own gentle voice. “真是你吗,简?”她以独特的柔和语调问。 Oh! I thought, “she is not going to die; they are mistaken. 啊!我想,“她不会死,她们搞错了, She could not speak and look so calmly if she were. 要是她活不了啦,她的言语和神色不会那么镇定自若。 I got on to her crib and kissed her. 我上了她的小床,吻了她一下。 her forehead was cold, and her cheek both cold and thin, and so were her hand and wrist, but she smiled as of old. 她的额头冰冷,两颊也冰冷,而且还很消瘦,她的手和手腕也都冰冷,只有她那微笑依旧。 Why are you come here, Jane? 你为什么到这儿来,简? It is past eleven o' clock. I heard it strike some minutes since. 已经过了十一点啦,几分钟前我听见敲的。” I came to see you, Helen. 我来看你,海伦。 I heard you were very ill, and I could not sleep till I had spoken to you. 我听说你病得很重,我不同你说句话就睡不着。 You came to bid me good-bye, then. You are just in time probably. 那你是来同我告别的了,也许许来得正是时候。