170131 经典文学《简·爱》第145期

170131 经典文学《简·爱》第145期

2017-01-31    01'42''

主播: Fred英语笔记

4505 197

微信公众号:英语听力123(日更文章~) I was just beginning to stifle with the fumes of conservatory flowers and sprinkled essences, 我正开始沉醉在暖房花朵的气息和弥漫着的幽幽清香里时, when I bethought myself to open the window and step out on to the balcony. 蓦地想起去打开窗门,走到阳台上去。 It was moonlight and gaslight besides, and very still and serene. 这时月色朗照,汽灯闪亮,十分静谧。 The balcony was furnished with a chair or two. 阳台上摆着一两把椅子。 I sat down, and took out a cigar. 我坐了下来,取出一支雪茄。 I will take one now, if you will excuse me. 请原谅,现在我要抽一支。 Here ensued a pause, filled up by the producing and lighting of a cigar. 说到这里他停顿了一下,同时拿出一根雪茄点燃了。 经典文学《简·爱》 Having placed it to his lips and breathed a trail of Havannah incense on the freezing and sunless air, he went on. 他把雪茄放到嘴里,把一缕哈瓦那烟云雾喷进寒冷而阴沉的空气里,他继续说: I liked bonbons too in those days, Miss Eyre, 在那些日子里我还喜欢夹心糖,爱小姐。 And I was croquant — (overlook the barbarism) — croquant chocolate comfits, and smoking alternately, 而当时我一会儿松脆的”(也顾不得野蛮了)巧克力糖果,一会儿吸烟, watching meantime the equipages that rolled along the fashionable streets towards the neighbouring opera-house, 同时凝视着经过时髦的街道向邻近歌剧院驶去的马车。这时来了一辆精制的轿式马车, when in an elegant close carriage drawn by a beautiful pair of English horses, 由一对漂亮的英国马拉着,在灯火辉煌的城市夜景中, and distinctly seen in the brilliant city-night, I recognised the 'voiture' I had given Celine. 看得清清楚楚。我认出来正是我赠送给塞莉纳的‘汽车’。 She was returning. 是她回来了。 Of course my heart thumped with impatience against the iron rails I leant upon. 当然,我那颗倚在铁栏杆上的心急不可耐地跳动着。 The carriage stopped, as I had expected, at the hotel door. 不出我所料,马车在房门口停了下来。 My flame (that is the very word for an opera inamorata) alighted, though muffed in a cloak — 我的情人(这两个字恰好用来形容一个唱歌剧的情人)从车上走下,尽管罩着斗篷 — an unnecessary encumbrance, by-the-bye, on so warm a June evening, I knew her instantly by her little foot, 顺便说一句,那么暖和的六月夜晚,这完全是多此一举。她从马车踏步上跳下来时, seen peeping from the skirt of her dress, as she skipped from the carriage-step. 我从那双露在裙子下的小脚,立刻认出了她来。 Bending over the balcony, I was about to murmur 'Mon ange' — in a tone, of course, 我从阳台上探出身子,正要响响地叫一声‘我的天使’ which should be audible to the ear of love alone — 用的声气光能让情人听见 — when a figure jumped from the carriage after her; cloaked also; 这时,一个身影在她后面跳下了马车,也披着斗篷。 source: kekenet.com