170207 经典文学《简·爱》第147期

170207 经典文学《简·爱》第147期

2017-02-07    01'38''

主播: Fred英语笔记

2701 227

微信公众号:英语听力123 We were ascending the avenue when he thus paused. 他这么突然止住话头时,我们正登上小路。 The hall was before us. 桑菲尔德府展现在我们面前。 Lifting his eye to its battlements, he cast over them a glare such as I never saw before or since. 他抬眼去看城垛,眼睛瞪得大大的。这种神色,我以前和以后从未见过。 Pain, shame, ire, impatience, disgust, detestation, 痛苦、羞愧、狂怒、焦躁、讨厌、僧恶, seemed momentarily to hold a quivering conflict in the large pupil dilating under his ebon eyebrow. 似乎在他乌黑的眉毛下涨大的瞳孔里,暂时进行着一场使他为之颤栗的搏斗。 Wild was the wrestle which should be paramount, but another feeling rose and triumphed. 这番至关重要的交战空前激烈,不过另一种感情在他心中升起,并占了上风, Something hard and cynical, self-willed and resolute. 这种感情冷酷而玩世不恭,任性而坚定不移。 It settled his passion and petrified his countenance. He went on. 消融了他的激情,使他脸上现出了木然的神色,他继续说。 经典文学《简·爱》 During the moment I was silent, Miss Eyre, I was arranging a point with my destiny. 我刚才沉默的那一刻,爱小姐,我正跟自己的命运交涉着一件事情。 She stood there, by that beech-trunk — a hag like one of those who appeared to Macbeth on the heath of Forres. 她站在那儿,山毛榉树干旁边 — 一个女巫,就像福累斯荒原上出现在麦克白面前几个女巫中的一个。 You like Thornfield?she said, lifting her finger. 你喜欢桑菲尔德吗?她竖起她的手指说。 And then she wrote in the air a memento, which ran in lurid hieroglyphics all along the house-front, 随后在空中写了一条警语,那文字奇形怪状,十分可怖, between the upper and lower row of windows, &`&Like it if you can! Like it if you dare!&`& 覆盖了上下两排窗户之间的正壁:‘只要能够,你就喜欢它!只要你敢,你就喜欢它!’ I will like it,&`& said I, I dare like it. 我一定喜欢它,我说,我敢于喜欢它。 And (he subjoined moodily) I will keep my word. 我会信守诺言(他郁郁不欢地补充了一句)。 I will break obstacles to happiness, to goodness — yes, goodness. 排除艰难险阻去追求幸福,追求良善 — 对,良善。 I wish to be a better man than I have been, than I am. 我希望做个比以往,比现在更好的人。 As Job&`&s leviathan broke the spear, the dart, and the habergeon, 就像约伯的海中怪兽那样,折断矛戟和标枪,刺破盔甲,扫除一切障碍, hindrances which others count as iron and brass, I will esteem but straw and rotten wood. 别人以为这些障碍坚如钢铁,而我却视之为干草、烂木。 source: kekenet.com