170908 经典文学《简·爱》 第203期

170908 经典文学《简·爱》 第203期

2017-09-08    01'13''

主播: Fred英语笔记

4979 161

QQ群: 432584106 主播QQ: 3380870247 The tall and phlegmatic Lord Ingram leans with folded arms on the chair-back of the little and lively Amy Eshton. 高大冷漠的英格拉姆勋爵,抱着双肩,斜倚在小巧活泼的艾米·埃希顿的椅背上。 She glances up at him, and chatters like a wren. 她抬头看着他,像鹪鹩似的叽叽喳喳。 She likes him better than she does Mr. Rochester. 在罗切斯特先生与这位勋爵之间,她更喜欢勋爵。 Henry Lynn has taken possession of an ottoman at the feet of Louisa. Adèle shares it with him. 亨利·林恩在路易莎的脚边占了一条脚凳。与阿黛勒合用着。 He is trying to talk French with her, and Louisa laughs at his blunders. 他努力同她说法语,一说错,路易莎就笑他。 With whom will Blanche Ingram pair? 布兰奇·英格拉姆会跟谁结伴呢? She is standing alone at the table, bending gracefully over an album. 她孤零零地站在桌边,很有风度地俯身看着一本簿册。 She seems waiting to be sought, but she will not wait too long. She herself selects a mate. 她似乎在等人来邀请,不过她不愿久等,便自己选了个伴。 经典名著 简爱 Mr. Rochester, having quitted the Eshtons, stands on the hearth as solitary as she stands by the table. 罗切斯特先生离开了两位埃希顿小姐后,一如英格拉姆小姐孤单地站在桌旁一样,不然独立在火炉跟前。 She confronts him, taking her station on the opposite side of the mantelpiece. 她在壁炉架的另一边站定,面对着他。 "Mr. Rochester, I thought you were not fond of children?" "罗切斯特先生,我想你并不喜欢孩子?" "Nor am I." "我是不喜欢。" "Then, what induced you to take charge of such a little doll as that? (pointing to Adèle). "那你怎么会想到去抚养这样一个小娃娃呢(指了指阿黛勒)? Where did you pick her up?" 你在哪儿把她捡来的?" "I did not pick her up. She was left on my hands." "我并没有去抢,是别人托付给我的。" "You should have sent her to school." "你早该送她进学校了。" "I could not afford it: schools are so dear." "我付不起,学费那么贵。" SOURCE: kekenet.com