170914 经典文学《简·爱》 第207期

170914 经典文学《简·爱》 第207期

2017-09-14    01'18''

主播: Fred英语笔记

4228 134

QQ群: 432584106 主播QQ: 3380870247 微信公众号: 英语听力123 Amy Eshton, not hearing or not heeding this dictum, joined in with her soft, infantine tone: 艾米·埃希顿不知是没有听见,还是没有注意到这一声明,操着软软的、奶声奶气的调子搭讪了: "Louisa and I used to quiz our governess too. "路易莎和我,以往也常常戏弄我们的家庭教师。 But she was such a good creature, she would bear anything. Nothing put her out. 不过她是那么个好人,什么都能忍耐,随你怎么整她都不会生气。 She was never cross with us; was she, Louisa?" 她从来没有对我们发过火,是不是这样,路易莎?" "No, never. We might do what we pleased, ransack her desk and her workbox, and turn her drawers inside out. "不错,从来不发火。我们爱怎么干就可以怎么干。搜她的书桌和针线盒,把她的抽屉翻得底朝天。 And she was so good-natured, she would give us anything we asked for." 而她的脾气却那么好,我们要什么她就给什么。" "I suppose, now," said Miss Ingram, curling her lip sarcastically. "现在我猜想,"英格拉姆小姐讥嘲地喂起嘴唇说。 "We shall have an abstract of the memoirs of all the governesses extant. "我们要为现存的家庭女教师编一个传记摘要了。 经典名著 简爱 In order to avert such a visitation, I again move the introduction of a new topic. 为了避免这场灾难,我再次提议换一个新话题。 Mr. Rochester, do you second my motion?" 罗切斯特先生,你赞成我的提议吗?" "Madam, I support you on this point, as on every other." "小姐,无论是这件事还是别的事情,我都支持你。" "Then on me be the onus of bringing it forward. Signior Eduardo, are you in voice tonight?" "那得由我把这件事提出来了,老先生爱德华多,"今晚你的嗓子行吗?" "Donna Bianca, if you command it, I will be." "唐娜比安卡,只要你下令,我就唱。" "Then, signior, I lay on you my sovereign behest to furbish up your lungs and other vocal organs, "那么Signior,我传旨清一清你的肺和其他发音器官, as they will be wanted on my royal service." 来为皇上效力。" "Who would not be the Rizzio of so divine a Mary?" "谁不甘愿做如此神圣的玛丽的里丘呢?" "A fig for Rizzio!" cried she, tossing her head with all its curls, as she moved to the piano. "里丘算得了什么!"她叫道,把满头卷发一甩,朝钢琴走去。 source: kekenet.com