171002 经典文学《简·爱》 第215期

171002 经典文学《简·爱》 第215期

2017-10-02    01'37''

主播: Fred英语笔记

14619 540

微信公众号:英语听力123 The other party, which was headed by Colonel Dent, sat down on the crescent of chairs. 而由登特上校领头的一组人,在排成半圆形的椅子上坐了下来。 One of the gentlemen, Mr. Eshton, observing me, seemed to propose that I should be asked to join them, 其中一位叫埃希顿先生的男士,注意到了我,好像提议我应当加入他们, but Lady Ingram instantly negatived the notion. 但英格拉姆夫人立即否决了他的建议。 "No," I heard her say: "she looks too stupid for any game of the sort." "不行,"我听见她说,"她看上去一付蠢相,玩不来这类游戏。" Ere long a bell tinkled, and the curtain drew up. 没过多久,铃声响了,幕拉开了。 Within the arch, the bulky figure of Sir George Lynn, 在半圆形之内,出现了乔治·林恩爵士的巨大身影 whom Mr. Rochester had likewise chosen, was seen enveloped in a white sheet. 他也是由罗切斯特先生选中的,用白布裹着。 Before him, on a table, lay open a large book. 他前面的一张桌子上,放着一本大书。 And at his side stood Amy Eshton, draped in Mr. Rochester's cloak, and holding a book in her hand. 他一侧站着艾米·埃希顿,身上披着罗切斯特先生的斗篷,手里拿着一本书。 Somebody, unseen, rang the bell merrily. 有人在看不见的地方摇响了欢快的铃声。 Then Adèle (who had insisted on being one of her guardian's party), 随后阿黛勒(她坚持参加监护人的一组)跳跳蹦蹦来到前面, bounded forward, scattering round her the contents of a basket of flowers she carried on her arm. 把挽在胳膊上的一篮子花,朝她周围撒去。 Then appeared the magnificent figure of Miss Ingram, clad in white, a long veil on her head, 接着雍容华贵的英格拉姆小姐露面了,一身素装,头披长纱, and a wreath of roses round her brow. 额上戴着圈玫瑰花。 By her side walked Mr. Rochester, and together they drew near the table. 她身边走着罗切斯特先生,两人一起跪向桌子。 They knelt, while Mrs. Dent and Louisa Eshton, dressed also in white, took up their stations behind them. 他们跪了下来,与此同时,一样浑身著白的登特太太和路易莎·埃希顿,在他们身后站定。 A ceremony followed, in dumb show, in which it was easy to recognise the pantomime of a marriage. 接着一个用哑剧来表现的仪式开始了,不难看出,这是场哑剧婚礼。 At its termination, Colonel Dent and his party consulted in whispers for two minutes, 结束时登特上校和他的一伙人悄悄地商量了两分钟。 Then the Colonel called out :"Bride!" 随后上校嚷道:"新娘!" Mr. Rochester bowed, and the curtain fell. 罗切斯特先生行了鞠躬礼,随后幕落。 A considerable interval elapsed before it again rose. 过了好一会儿,帐幕才再次拉开。