171003 经典文学《简·爱》 第216期

171003 经典文学《简·爱》 第216期

2017-10-03    01'31''

主播: Fred英语笔记

4531 73

微信公众号:英语听力123 Its second rising displayed a more elaborately prepared scene than the last. 第二幕表演比第一幕显得更加精心准备。 The drawing-room, as I have before observed, 如我以前所观察的那样, was raised two steps above the dining-room, and on the top of the upper step, 客厅已垫得比餐室高出两个台阶,在客厅内靠后一两码的顶端台阶上, placed a yard or two back within the room, appeared a large marble basin 放置着一个硕大的大理石盆,我认出来那是温室里的一个装饰品 which I recognised as an ornament of the conservatory where it usually stood, surrounded by exotics, and tenanted by gold fish, 平时里面养着金鱼,周围布满了异国花草,它体积大,份量重 and whence it must have been transported with some trouble, on account of its size and weight. 搬到这儿来一定是花了一番周折的。 Seated on the carpet, by the side of this basin, was seen Mr. Rochester, costumed in shawls, with a turban on his head. 在这个大盆子旁边的地毯上,坐着罗切斯特先生,身裹披巾,额缠头巾。 His dark eyes and swarthy skin and Paynim features suited the costume exactly. 他乌黑的眼睛、黝黑的皮肤和穆斯林式的五官,与这身打扮十分般配。 He looked the very model of an Eastern emir, an agent or a victim of the bowstring. 他看上去活象一个东方的酋长,一个绞死人和被人绞死的角色。 Presently advanced into view Miss Ingram. 不久,英格拉姆小姐登场了。 She, too, was attired in oriental fashion. 她也是一身东方式装束。 A crimson scarf tied sash-like round the waist. 一条大红围巾象腰带似地缠在腰间。 An embroidered handkerchief knotted about her temples. 一块绣花手帕围住额头。 Her beautifully-moulded arms bare, 她那形态美丽的双臂赤裸着, one of them upraised in the act of supporting a pitcher, poised gracefully on her head. 其中的一条高高举起,优美地托着顶在头上的一个坛子。 Both her cast of form and feature, her complexion and her general air, 她的体态和容貌,她的肤色和神韵, suggested the idea of some Israelitish princess of the patriarchal days. 使人想起了宗法时代的以色列公主。 And such was doubtless the character she intended to represent. 无疑那正是她想要扮演的角色。 She approached the basin, and bent over it as if to fill her pitcher. 她走近大盆子,俯身似乎要把水坛灌满。 She again lifted it to her head. 随后再次把坛子举起来放在头上。 The personage on the well-brink now seemed to accost her to make some request. 那个在井边的人好像在同他打招呼,提出了某种要求。