171009 经典文学《简·爱》 第220期

171009 经典文学《简·爱》 第220期

2017-10-09    02'07''

主播: Fred英语笔记

10296 219

微信公众号:英语听力123 Morning Call~ She was not good. She was not original. 她缺乏教养。没有独创性。 She used to repeat sounding phrases from books. 她惯于重复书本中的大话。 She never offered, nor had, an opinion of her own. 从不提出,也从来没有自己的见解。 She advocated a high tone of sentiment, but she did not know the sensations of sympathy and pity. 她鼓吹高尚的情操,但并不知道同情和怜悯。 Tenderness and truth were not in her. 身上丝毫没有温柔和真诚。 Too often she betrayed this, by the undue vent she gave to a spiteful antipathy she had conceived against little Adèle. 她对小阿黛勒的心怀恶意,并无端发泄,常常使她在这点上暴露无遗。 Pushing her away with some contumelious epithet if she happened to approach her. 要是小阿黛勒恰巧走近她,她会用恶言毒语把她撵走。 Sometimes ordering her from the room, and always treating her with coldness and acrimony. 有时命令她离开房间,常常冷淡刻毒地对待她。 Other eyes besides mine watched these manifestations of character, watched them closely, keenly, shrewdly. 除了我,还有别人也注视着这些个性的流露 — 密切急迫而敏锐地注视着。 经典文学《简·爱》 Yes. The future bridegroom, Mr. Rochester himself, exercised over his intended a ceaseless surveillance. 是的,就是罗切斯特先生这位准新郎自己,也无时无刻不在监视着他的意中人。 And it was from this sagacity — this guardedness of his — this perfect, clear consciousness of his fair one's defects. 正是这种洞察力 — 他所存的戒心 — 这种对自己美人缺陷的清醒全面的认识。 This obvious absence of passion in his sentiments towards her, that my ever-torturing pain arose. 正是他在感情上对她明显缺乏热情这一点,引起了我无休止的痛苦。 I saw he was going to marry her, for family, perhaps political reasons, because her rank and connections suited him. 我看到他要娶她是出于门第观念,也许还有政治上的原因,因为她的地位与家庭关系同他很相配。 I felt he had not given her his love, and that her qualifications were ill adapted to win from him that treasure. 我觉得他并没有把自己的爱给她,她也没有资格从他那儿得到这个宝物。 This was the point — this was where the nerve was touched and teased. 这就是问题的症结 — 就是触及痛处的地方。 This was where the fever was sustained and fed: She could not charm him. 就是我热情有增无减的原因:因为她不可能把他迷住。 If she had managed the victory at once, and he had yielded and sincerely laid his heart at her feet, 要是她立即获胜,他也让了步,虔诚地拜倒在她脚下, I should have covered my face, turned to the wall, and (figuratively) have died to them. 我倒会捂住脸,转向墙壁,在他们面前死去(比喻意义上说)。 If Miss Ingram had been a good and noble woman, endowed with force, fervour, kindness, sense, 要是英格拉姆小姐是一位高尚出色的女人,富有力量、热情、善心和识见, I should have had one vital struggle with two tigers — jealousy and despair. 我倒会与两头猛虎 — 嫉妒与绝望,作一誓死的搏斗。 Then, my heart torn out and devoured, I should have admired her, acknowledged her excellence, 纵然我的心被掏出来吞噬掉,我也会钦佩她,承认她的出众, and been quiet for the rest of my days. 默默地度过余生。 And the more absolute her superiority, the deeper would have been my admiration. 她愈是优越绝伦,我会愈加钦慕。 the more truly tranquil my quiescence. 我的沉默也会愈加深沉。