171011 经典文学《简·爱》 第222期

171011 经典文学《简·爱》 第222期

2017-10-11    01'42''

主播: Fred英语笔记

5772 125

微信公众号:英语听力123 I have not yet said anything condemnatory of Mr. Rochester's project of marrying for interest and connections. 对罗切斯特先生从个人利益和亲属关系考虑的婚姻计划,我至今没有任何微词。 It surprised me when I first discovered that such was his intention. 我初次发觉他的这一打算时,很有些诧异。 I had thought him a man unlikely to be influenced by motives so commonplace in his choice of a wife. 我曾认为像他这样的人,在择偶时不会为这么陈腐的动机所左右。 But the longer I considered the position, education, of the parties, 但是我对男女双方的地位、教养等等考虑得越久, the less I felt justified in judging and blaming either him or Miss Ingram for acting in conformity 我越感到自己没有理由因为罗切斯特先生和英格拉姆小姐 to ideas and principles instilled into them, doubtless, from their childhood. 无疑在童年时就灌输进去的思想和原则行事,就责备他们。 All their class held these principles. I supposed, then, they had reasons for holding them such as I could not fathom. 他们整个阶级的人都奉行这样的原则。我猜想他们也有我无法揣测的理由去恪守这些原则。 经典文学《简·爱》 It seemed to me that, were I a gentleman like him, I would take to my bosom only such a wife as I could love. 我似乎觉得,如果我是一个像他这样的绅士,我也只会把自己所爱的妻子搂入怀中。 But the very obviousness of the advantages to the husband's own happiness offered by this plan convinced me 然而这种打算显然对丈夫自身的幸福有利, that there must be arguments against its general adoption of which I was quite ignorant. 所以未被普遍采纳,必定有我全然不知的争议。 Otherwise I felt sure all the world would act as I wished to act. 否则整个世界肯定会象我所想的那样去做了。 But in other points, as well as this, I was growing very lenient to my master. 但是在其他方面,如同在这方面一样,我对我主人渐渐地变得宽容了。 I was forgetting all his faults, for which I had once kept a sharp look-out. 我正在忘却他所有的缺点,而过去我是紧盯不放的。 It had formerly been my endeavour to study all sides of his character, to take the bad with the good; 以前我研究他性格的各个方面,好坏都看,权衡两者, and from the just weighing of both, to form an equitable judgment. Now I saw no bad. 以作出公正的评价。现在我看不到坏的方面了。 The sarcasm that had repelled, the harshness that had startled me once, were only like keen condiments in a choice dish. 令人厌恶的嘲弄,一度使我吃惊的严厉,已不过像是一盘佳肴中浓重的调料。 Their presence was pungent, but their absence would be felt as comparatively insipid. 有了它,热辣辣好吃,没有它,便淡而无味。 And as for the vague something — was it a sinister or a sorrowful, a designing or a desponding expression? 至于那种令人难以捉摸的东西——那种表情是阴险还是忧伤,是工于心计还是颓唐沮丧?