171017 经典文学《简·爱》 第226期

171017 经典文学《简·爱》 第226期

2017-10-17    01'28''

主播: Fred英语笔记

4548 85

微信公众号:英语听力123 Some parleying was audible in the hall, and soon the new-comer entered. 大厅里隐隐约约响起了交谈声,来人很快便进了屋。 He bowed to Lady Ingram, as deeming her the eldest lady present. 他向英格拉姆太太行了个礼,认为她是在场的人中最年长的妇人。 "It appears I come at an inopportune time, madam," said he. “看来我来得不是时候,夫人,”他说。 when my friend, Mr. Rochester, is from home, but I arrive from a very long journey, 正巧我的朋友罗切斯特先生出门去了,可是我远道而来, and I think I may presume so far on old and intimate acquaintance as to install myself here till he returns. 我想可以作为关系密切的老相识,冒昧在这儿呆一下,等到他回来。 His manner was polite. 他的举止很客气。 His accent, in speaking, struck me as being somewhat unusual, not precisely foreign, but still not altogether English. 他说话的腔调听来有些异样 — 不是十足的外国腔,但也不完全是英国调。 His age might be about Mr. Rochester's, between thirty and forty. 他的年龄与罗切斯特先生相仿 — 在三十与四十之间。 His complexion was singularly sallow. 他的肤色特别灰黄。 otherwise he was a fine-looking man, at first sight especially. 要不然他倒是个英俊的男人,乍看之下尤其如此。 经典文学《简·爱》 On closer examination, you detected something in his face that displeased, or rather that failed to please. 仔细一打量,你会发现他脸上有种不讨人喜欢,或是无法让人喜欢的东西。 His features were regular, but too relaxed. 他的五官很标准,但太松弛。 His eye was large and well cut, but the life looking out of it was a tame, vacant life — at least so I thought. 他的眼睛大而悦目,但是从中透出的生气,却空洞乏味——至少我是这样想的。 The sound of the dressing-bell dispersed the party. 通知换装的铃声驱散了宾客。 It was not till after dinner that I saw him again. 直到吃晚饭时我才再次见到他。 He then seemed quite at his ease. 那时他似乎已十分自在。 But I liked his physiognomy even less than before. 但是我对他的面相却比初见面时更不喜欢了。 It struck me as being at the same time unsettled and inanimate. 我觉得它既不安稳又毫无生气。 His eye wandered, and had no meaning in its wandering. 他的目光游移不定,漫无目的。