171019 经典文学《简·爱》 第228期

171019 经典文学《简·爱》 第228期

2017-10-19    01'41''

主播: Fred英语笔记

17014 356

微信公众号:英语听力123 So smooth — none of those frowning irregularities I dislike so much; and such a placid eye and smile! 那么光滑 — 没有那种我讨厌透了的皱眉蹙额的怪样子,而且眼神和笑容多么恬静! And then, to my great relief, Mr. Henry Lynn summoned them to the other side of the room, 随后,我总算松了口气,因为亨利。林恩先生把她们叫到房间的另一头, to settle some point about the deferred excursion to Hay Common. 去解决关于推迟去海村工地远足的某个问题了。 I was now able to concentrate my attention on the group by the fire, and I presently gathered that the new-comer was called Mr. Mason. 此刻我可以把注意力集中到火炉边的一群人上了。我很快就明白来人叫梅森先生。 Then I learned that he was but just arrived in England, and that he came from some hot country, 接着我知道他刚到英国,来自某个气候炎热的国家, which was the reason, doubtless, his face was so sallow, and that he sat so near the hearth, and wore a surtout in the house. 无疑那就是为什么他脸色那么灰黄,坐得那么靠近火炉,在室内穿着紧身长外衣的原因了。 Presently the words Jamaica, Kingston, Spanish Town, indicated the West Indies as his residence. 不久,诸如牙买加、金斯敦、西班牙城一类字眼,表明了他在西印度群岛居住过。 经典文学《简·爱》 And it was with no little surprise I gathered, ere long, that he had there first seen and become acquainted with Mr. Rochester. 没过一会儿,我颇为吃惊地了解到,他在那儿初次见到并结交了罗切斯特先生。 He spoke of his friend's dislike of the burning heats, the hurricanes, and rainy seasons of that region. 他谈起他朋友不喜欢那个地区烤人的炎热,不喜欢飓风和雨季。 I knew Mr. Rochester had been a traveller. Mrs. Fairfax had said so. 我知道罗切斯特先生曾是位旅行家。费尔法克斯太太这么说过他。 But I thought the continent of Europe had bounded his wanderings. 不过我想他游荡的足迹只限于欧洲大陆。 Till now I had never heard a hint given of visits to more distant shores. 在这之前我从未听人提起他到过更遥远的海岸。 I was pondering these things, when an incident, and a somewhat unexpected one, broke the thread of my musings. 我正在细想这些事儿的时候,一件事情,一件颇为意外的事情,打断了我的思路。 Mr. Mason, shivering as some one chanced to open the door, asked for more coal to be put on the fire, 有人碰巧把门打开时,梅森先生哆嗦着要求在炉子上再加些煤, which had burnt out its flame, though its mass of cinder still shone hot and red. 因为尽管大块煤渣依然通红发亮,但火焰已经燃尽。 The footman who brought the coal, in going out, stopped near Mr. Eshton's chair, and said something to him in a low voice, 送煤进来的仆人走出去时凑近埃希顿先生低声对他说了什么, of which I heard only the words, "old woman," — "quite troublesome." 我只听清了"老太婆" — "挺讨厌"几个字。