

2017-07-31    06'48''

主播: 英伦好声音

1702 161

(下拉有中英对照文本) For all the Laxtons’ kindness and generosity toward him and their genuine concern to make him feel at home, Yann had known ever since he had first arrived in Queen Square that it was Sido who should have been there, not he. He understood all too well the longing Mrs. Laxton had to see her niece again, and when he heard the news of Sido’s forthcoming marriage, his rage against Kalliovski surfaced once again. The one comfort Yann took was the idea of how he would revenge himself on the man he held responsible for the murders of Topolain and Têtu. Magic would be his weapon of choice, though how he was to achieve the powers he needed he did not know. It was getting dark as he neared Seven Dials, where he knew the Gypsies camped in winter, and fog had begun to descend. The camp, a small city of tents, was not a place to go walking in unless you had business there. Groups of young men eyed his fine clothes and wondered which Gypsy girl had bewitched him enough for such a gentleman to come calling. Laxton夫妇对Yann善良又慷慨,发自内心地关心他,这让Yann感觉很舒服。Yann第一次来到皇后广场,就知道其实Sido才应该来这里,而不是他。Yann完全理解Laxton夫人想要看到侄女的心情,而他听到西多即将结婚的消息,很是愤怒,又是kalliovski。 Yann唯一确定的是,自己一定会报复杀死Topolain和Têtu的凶手。他会选择魔术作为武器,虽然现在并不确定自己要怎么做。 离Seven Dials越近,天色越暗。Yann知道吉普赛人冬季在哪里扎营,开始起雾了。营地在一个小城市里,扎了不少帐篷,除非在那里有生意,一般人无法进去。年轻人看着他的衣服,想着是哪个吉普赛姑娘能迷住这样一个绅士过来寻找。 Talo Cooper appeared out of the fog. “Orlenda knew you would come,” said Talo. I will take you to my grandfather, Tobias Cooper. He is waiting for you.” A very old man sat at the entrance of his tent, smoking his clay pipe. Yann sat down beside him and stared out at the thickening fog that hung down over the camp like the muslin petticoat of some monstrous giantess. “What is it you want to know?” said the old man, looking at Yann as if he could see right into his heart. “I want to know how to move objects without touching them.” Tobias laughed. “What makes you think I would know such things?” Yann shrugged his shoulders. “A feeling. I was brought up by a dwarf called Têtu, who was of the Romany blood. He worked a wooden Pierrot in a theater in Paris. He never once touched it; still, he could make it dance.” Talo Cooper从雾中出现。 “Orlenda就知道你会来的,”Talo说。我会带你去见我的祖父,Tobias Cooper。他在等你。” 一位老人坐在帐篷的入口处,吸着陶土烟斗。Yann在他身边坐了下来,看着浓雾,雾悬在营地上空像一个女巨人的薄纱衬裙。 “你想知道什么?“老人说,看着Yann,仿佛能看透他的心。 Tobias说:“我想知道怎样不碰到物体就能移动它们。”“是什么让你认为我会知道这些事情的呢?”Yann耸了耸肩。“一种感觉。我是被一个叫做Tutê的侏儒抚养长大的,他也是吉普赛人。曾在巴黎剧院操纵木制小丑。Têtu不用碰到它,就可以让小丑跳舞。” “Then he knew the ways of the ancient magic. What makes you think you have any right to such knowledge?” “My mother could do the same, and my grandmother. I never knew them. My mother died when I was a few weeks old. I worked in the theater with Têtu and the wooden doll. I made it talk, I read minds, and sometimes I even foresaw the future. All that is left to me now is that I can still throw my voice; but it is a cheap circus trick, nothing more.” “Show me.” Out of the fog came the noise of a man wheezing, gasping for breath, asking Tobias for a pipe of tobacco. “那么他会古代魔法。你凭什么认为你有权学会这些?“ “我母亲也可以这样做,我的祖母也一样。我不认识他们。我的母亲在我几周就去世了。我和Têtu、木制娃娃在剧场工作。我能让它说话,我会读心术,有时甚至能预见未来。 我现在依然能改变自己的声音,但这只是一个廉价的马戏团把戏,仅此而已。” “给我看看。” 从雾中传来一个男人喘息的声音,喘着气,向Tobias要烟斗。 Tobias smiled and said, “Very good indeed. Choose an object.” Yann picked the first thing that caught his eye, the old man’s hat lying inside the tent. Without touching it Tobias appeared to lift it off the ground, where it hovered, as if listening to what was being said, before vanishing. In its place, suspended in midair, was a red rose. "Yes!” said Yann excitedly. "That is what I want to be able to do, that kind of magic.” “You need, then, to be able to see into the spaces in between things,” said the old man. “Can you do that?” Yann squinted. “I see nothing. There is nothing to see.” Tobias笑着说,“很不错。选一个物体吧。” Yann选了第一个引起了他注意的东西,老人放在帐篷里的帽子。Tobias没有碰帽子,把它从地上抬了起来,在空中盘旋,帽子就像在听些什么似的,然后帽子消失了。悬在半空中的是一朵红玫瑰。 “是的!”Yann兴奋地说。”这就是我希望能够学会的那种魔法。” “那么,你需要能够看清事物之间的空间,”老人说。“你能做到吗?” Yann眯起眼睛。“我什么也看不见。没有什么可看的。” “Then you are blind.” “I ’m not!” “Well, then, don’t come knocking on my door,” said Tobias with a shrug. “Go on believing in the flat lands of your mind. I f you see the world that way, that is all you will ever see.” “I don’t understand what you’re talking about,” said Yann furiously. “I f you will let her, Orlenda will read your palm. That might help me to know what it is you are fighting,” said the old man. “那你就瞎了眼。” “我不是!“ “好吧,那就不要来敲我的门,” Tobias耸耸肩说。继续相信你头脑中贫瘠的土地。如果你以那种方式看待世界,那就是你所能看到的一切。 “我不明白你说的是什么,”Yann气愤地说。 “如果你让Orlenda看看你的手相。可能会帮助我知道这是怎么回事,“老人说。 He called for her and she came out of the tent with Talo. She smiled at Yann, taking his almond-shaped hand in hers, looking carefully at his palm, moving it toward the light. After a while she straightened up and said, “I am sorry. The gift has left me for tonight.” “Are you afraid of what your hand might reveal, boy?” Tobias asked. Yann felt annoyed, as if somehow he had been cheated. He wasn’t going to be so easily put off having his palm read. “I am not afraid.” Orlenda stared deep into his eyes. “You are a true Gypsy, and you could be a great shaman. You have a rare gift.” She stopped, letting go of his hand. “Go on,” said the old man. “Tell him.” Tobias叫Orlenda,她和Talo从帐篷里走出来。她对Yann笑着,握着Yann的手,将它朝着光,仔细地看Yann的手掌。 过了一会儿,她挺直身子说:“对不起。今晚我什么也看不到。” “你怕你的手会泄露什么吗,孩子?” Tobias问道。 Yann感到恼火,好像自己被欺骗了。他不会这么轻易就让别人看自己手相。 “我不害怕。”Orlenda深深凝视Yann的眼睛。 “你是个真正的吉普赛人,你可以成为一个伟大的萨满。你有一个稀有的天赋。”她停了下来,松开了他的手。 “继续,”老人说。“告诉他。” Orlenda took a deep breath as if going underwater. There were three things she told Yann that foggy afternoon and it was the third one that shocked Yann to the core, as she had known it would. “You have survived one bullet, but another is waiting for you in the city over the water.” Orlenda深吸了一口气,好像要潜入深深的水里。她告诉Yann三个预言,那个有雾的下午, Yann深深震惊了,她知道会是这样的。 “你躲过了一颗子弹,幸存了下来,但另一颗正在那座城市上空等着你。” Yann had gotten up without saying a word and started to walk away. Tobias called after him. “I will be here when you come back.” By then he was running, feeling as if he were suffocating. What a fool he had been. Did he truly believe in all that hocus-pocus? This much he knew: He was done with trying to find out Têtu’s secret. Magic belonged to a world he wanted nothing more to do with. I f he was ever to take revenge on Kalliovski he would use a pistol, as any rational man would. This was the moment when Yann decided to turn his back on notions of sorcery. He would concentrate on the opportunities given to him, and live like a gentleman. No one would ever take him for a Gypsy again; no one would ever know where he had come from Yann有没有说一句话就走了。Tobias跟在他后面喊着。“我会在这里等你回来的。” 然后Yann就跑了,感觉自己快要窒息了。他真是个傻瓜。真的相信那些骗人的话吗?他知道:他不想再试图发现Têtu的秘密了。魔术是一个世界,他什么也不想做。如果他要报复kalliovski的话,会用一把手枪,任何有理性的人都样的。 这一刻, Yann决定不再去想魔术的秘密了。他会抓住自己的机会,像一个绅士一样的生活。再也没有人会把他当作吉普赛人了,没人会知道他来自哪里。 ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】