

2017-12-27    04'19''

主播: 英伦好声音

641 37

(点击右边黑三角下拉有中英配文) The four of them in the Villa, had celebrated in this evening’s brief dance in the English patient’s room their own simple adventures—Hana her sleep, Caravaggio his “finding” of the gramophone, and Kip a difficult defusing, though he had almost forgotten such a moment already. He was someone who felt uncomfortable in celebrations, in victories. 他们在英国病人的房间里开着简短的舞会,来庆祝自己简单的冒险举动。哈纳是为她的睡眠,卡拉瓦焦为他找到’厂留声机,而基普为他拆除了复杂的引信,尽管他已几乎忘记了那一个紧张的时刻,他是那种在庆祝胜利的场合会感觉不自在的人。 Just fifty yards away, there had been no representation of them in the world, no sound or sight of them from the valley’s eye as Hana’s and Caravaggio’s shadows glided across the walls and Kip sat comfortably encased in the alcove and the English patient sipped his wine. 仅在五十码外,便没有什么能够向世界显示他们的存在。在山谷的眼中,他们是一群无声无息的人。哈纳和卡拉瓦焦的身影在墙壁上移动,基普舒服地坐在窗台上,英国病人啜着他的酒。 Then he turned his head suddenly, knowing everything as he heard the sound, certain of it. He had looked back at them and for the first time in his life lied—”It’s all right, it wasn’t a mine. That seemed to come from a cleared area”—prepared to wait till the smell of the cordite reached him. 他突然转过头,当他听到声音的时候,他就明白发生了什么事,而且十分确定。他回头看着他们,撒了生平第一个谎——“不要紧,那不是地雷爆炸,那声音应该是来自己清除过地雷的区域。’——他做好准备,等待着—丝火药味向他飘来。 Now, hours later, Kip sits once again in the window alcove. If he could walk the seven yards across the Englishman’s room and touch her he would be sane. He had returned from the source of the mine explosion to find Caravaggio asleep on the library sofa with the dog in his arms. 几个小时之后,基普又坐到窗台上。如果他能走七码远,穿过英国人的房间去触摸她一下,英国病人就会清醒过来。他从爆炸现场回来,发现卡拉瓦焦搂着那条狗在书房的沙发上睡着了。 Kip took off his boots, tied the laces together and slung them over his shoulder as he went upstairs. It had started to rain and he needed a tarpaulin for his tent. From the hall he saw the light still on in the English patient’s room. 他脱下靴子,把鞋带系在一起,挂在肩上,蹑手蹑脚地上了楼。开始下雨了,他得找块防水帆布去罩帐篷。从走廊那儿,他看见英国病人的房间还亮着烛光。 Hana sat in the chair, one elbow on the table where the low candle sprayed its light, her head leaning back. He lowered his boots to the floor and came silently into the room, where the party had been going on three hours earlier. 她坐在椅子上,一只手臂撑在点着一小节蜡烛的桌子上,蜡烛闪动着微弱的光,她的头斜倚着。他放下靴子,悄悄地走进房间。三个小时前,他们在这里开了舞会。 She put her fingers to her lips as he entered and then pointed to the patient. He wouldn’t hear Kip’s silent walk. The sapper sat in the well of the window again. If he could walk across the room and touch her he would be sane. But between them lay a treacherous and complex journey. It was a very wide world. And the Englishman woke at any sound, the hearing aid turned to full level when he slept, so he could be secure in his own awareness. 她把手指放在唇边示意,又指了指病人——他不会听见基普轻轻的脚步声。工兵又坐在窗台—上。如果他能穿过房间去触摸她一下,英国病人就会清醒的。但是他们之间横亘着危险又错综复杂的距离。他们之间横亘着非常宽广的世界。任何声响都能使那个英国人醒过来,当他睡觉时,他总是把助听器开到最大,他觉得这样比较安全。 He had found the location of the death and what was left there and they had buried his second-in-command, Hardy. And afterwards he kept thinking of the girl that afternoon, suddenly terrified for her, angry at her for involving herself. She had tried to damage her life so casually. 吉普已经找到死亡的地区和遗留在那儿的东西,他们在那儿埋葬了他的副队长哈弟。他又继续想着那天下午的那个女孩,突然为她感到害怕,为她把自己卷进来而生气,她差点就陪上了生命。 He had walked back through the village, rain falling into pollarded trees of the town square untrimmed since the start of the war, And now he was here, the candlelight swaying, altering her look so he could not tell what she thought. Wisdom or sadness or curiosity. 他已经从村子里走回来,雨点落在小镇广场上那些断裂的树上。战争开始以后,树就没有修剪过,而现在他在这儿,烛光摇曳,看不清她的模样,以致于他说不出她在想什么,说不出那表情是睿智,是忧伤,还是好奇。 If she had been reading or if she had been bending over the Englishman, he would have nodded to her and probably left, but he is now watching Hana as someone young and alone. Tonight, gazing at the scene of the mine blast, he had begun to fear her presence during the afternoon dismantling. He had to remove it, or she would be with him each time he approached a fuze. He would be pregnant with her. When he worked, clarity and music filled him, the human world extinguished. Now she was within him or on his shoulder, the way he had once seen a live goat being carried by an officer out of a tunnel they were attempting to flood. 如果她在读书,或者正俯身照料那位英国人,他或许就会对她点点头而后离去,但是现在他看着哈纳,她是如此年轻,如此孤单。今晚,看过地雷爆炸的情景之后,他开始为她在下午拆弹时的出现感到害怕,他得不去想它,否则他每次接近引信时,就会想到她,他的脑中会充满她的影子。当他工作的时候,他的世界总是充满着清晰和谐的音乐,而人类世界都消失了。但现在,她会在他的怀里,或倚在他的肩上,使他想起有次他们正往坑道里灌水,—位长官背着一头活山羊爬出坑道的样子。 No. That wasn’t true. He wanted Hana’s shoulder, wanted to place his palm over it as he had done in the sunlight when she slept and he had lain there as if in someone’s rifle sights, awkward with her. 不对。 那不是真的。他向往哈纳的肩膀,想把手放在她的肩上,就像白天她睡觉的时候一样。在阳光下,他躺在那里望着她,心里局促不安,仿佛自己成了被瞄准的靶心似的。 He is halfway across the room, his hand sunk to the wrist in his open satchel which still hangs off his shoulder. His walk silent. He turns and pauses beside the bed. As the English patient completes one of his long exhalations Kip snips the wire of his hearing aid with the cutters and drops them back into the satchel. He turns and grins towards her. 他就要穿过房间了,肩上始终背着小背包,手伸进打开的背包里。他的脚步寂静无声。他转过身,在床边逗留了一下,就在这时,英国病人长长呼了口气,吉普用截断器割断了助听器,然后把截断器放进小背包里。他转过身,对她咧嘴一笑。 “I’ll rewire him in the morning.” He puts his left hand on her shoulder. “我早上再帮他接上。” 他把左手放到了她的肩上。 ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】