中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 7

中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 7

2018-04-09    02'18''

主播: 英伦好声音

328 13

(点击右边黑三角下拉有中英配文) Not long after this a faint cry sounded from the interior. The reddleman hastened to the back, looked in, and came away again. 他们说完了这句话,过了不大的一会儿,车里发出一种细弱的喊声。红土贩子听见了,又急忙走到车后,往车里看了一看,又回到了原处。 "You have a child there, my man?" “我说,伙计,你车里是个小孩儿吧?” "No, sir, I have a woman." “不是。老先生,是个女人。” "The deuce you have! Why did she cry out?" “怎么!会是个女人!她叫唤什么?” "Oh, she has fallen asleep, and not being used to traveling, she's uneasy, and keeps dreaming." “她在车里睡着了;因为她坐不惯车,所以老睡不稳,老做梦。” "A young woman?" “是个年轻的女人吗?” "Yes, a young woman." “不错,是个年轻的女人。” "That would have interested me forty years ago. Perhaps she's your wife?" “倒退回四十年去,那我可就要觉得有意思了。她是你的太太吧?” "My wife!" said the other bitterly. "She's above mating with such as I. But there's no reason why I should tell you about that." “她是我的太太!”那位车夫露出酸辛感慨的样子来说,“她那样的身分,我这种人哪儿高攀得上。不过,我无缘无故跟你说这种话,真是毫无道理了。” "That's true. And there's no reason why you should not. What harm can I do to you or to her?" “不错。可是也不见得你不跟我说就有道理呀!难道你对我说了,我还能对你或者她有妨碍的去处不成?” The reddleman looked in the old man's face. "Well, sir," he said at last, "I knew her before today, though perhaps it would have been better if I had not. But she's nothing to me, and I am nothing to her; and she wouldn't have been in my van if any better carriage had been thereto take her." 红土贩子往老头儿的脸上瞅了一会儿,才说:“好罢,老先生,我就对你说一说吧。我认识她不止一天了;其实我要是压根儿就不认识她,也许反倒好哪。不过现在她是和我无干,我也和她无涉的了。今天那个地方,要是有更好一点儿的车,她也决不会跑到我这辆车里来的。” "Where, may I ask?" “我可以打听打听是哪个地方吗?” "At Anglebury." “安格堡。” "I know the town well. What was she doing there?" “那个地方我可熟啦。她在那儿干什么来着?” "Oh, not much--to gossip about. However, she's tired to death now, and not at all well, and that's what makes her so restless. She dropped off into a nap about an hour ago, and 'twill do her good." “哦,没有什么——可说的。我只知道,她现在累得要死,又不大舒服,所以她才老睡不稳。一个钟头以前她才睡着了,那倒还能叫她休息休息。” "A nice-looking girl, no doubt?" “她一定是一个挺好看的姑娘了?” "You would say so." “得这样说。” The other traveller turned his eyes with interest towards the van window, and, without withdrawing them, said, "I presume I might look in upon her?" 这老头儿很感兴趣的样子回过头去,一面把眼盯住了车上的窗户,一面嘴里说: “放肆得很,我看看她成不成?” "No," said the reddleman abruptly. "It is getting too dark for you to see much of her; and, more than that, I have no right to allow you. Thank God she sleeps so well, I hope she won't wake till she's home." “不成,”红土贩子突然说。“天太黑了,你那双老眼未必看得清楚;再说,我也没有答应你的权力。谢谢上帝,她睡得稳沉了:我只盼望她没到家以前千万别醒才好。” "Who is she? One of the neighbourhood?" “她是谁呀?是不是住在这一带的?” "'Tis no matter who, excuse me." “对不起,老先生;你就不用管她是谁啦,无论是谁,都没有关系。” "It is not that girl of Blooms-End, who has been talked about more or less lately? If so, I know her; and I can guess what has happened." “莫不她就是住在布露恩的那位姑娘?人家近来对她,可很有些风言风语的。要真是她,那我可认得;我还能猜出来出了什么事哪。” "'Tis no matter....Now, sir, I am sorry to say that we shall soon have to part company. My ponies are tired, and I have further to go, and I am going to rest them under this bank for an hour." “那你就不必管啦,没有关系……我说,老先生,对不起,咱们不能一块儿再往前走啦。我的马乏啦,我还有老远的路哪,我要让我的马先在这个山坡下面歇一个钟头。” ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】