

2017-06-06    18'46''

主播: 声声曼

379 13

各位听众大家好:好声音,好故事,这里是 声声曼旅行电台。今天,是声声曼青年客栈装修后的第一期电台节目。我们迎来了两位特别嘉宾,台湾的林世杰和荷兰小伙 Jony。下面,我们就把话筒交给林同学,由他来采访Jony这一路走来的传奇故事。 林:大家好,我是林世杰,我来自台湾。I want to ask you what ’s your name and where are you come from , introduce yourself in simple words ,few sentence. J: Hello, my name is Jony Nederend,i am from new orleans,a small country in Europe.And i’m 29 years old,i feel babyface i am looking on ,but, i am already graduate in the architecture. I ‘ve traveling for last one and half years ,in south of Asia. 林:他叫Jony,来自荷兰,他看起来有些娃娃脸,但他已经29岁了,他的专业是建筑学。到现在为止,他已经在亚洲南部旅行有一年半的时间了。 林:接下来我们来问他为什么来中国旅行。Our next question is ,why do you choose China to travel,as you say,you go to many countries ,and why does this time you choose China to travel ? Jony:This is really a good question.If you come from the Europe,China is very interesting about the culture. You know they are different and sometimes they are in the news ,because China people working very hard,and also languages difficult here,that will be known.And ,because a lot of things we don’t know about China,what happened over here ,so it’s interesting for me to go here ,and to see from my own eyes how friendly the people are,how difficult your language is for me.So ,for me like a traveler,you want to know how things are in this world for you .For me ,this world is new , you know ,i am from the Netherlands,i’ve never seen China ,maybe few tourists in the Netherlands,but not like what we do right now,talking with many Chinese around me at the table.But ,why i choose China because it’s interesting on the world ,what they do right now ,they work for hot economic system ,the initial Asian ,so the economic system of China ,so you work hard , and China is really big ,important country in the world ,economic. So ,i wanna see what is great about China and why is it working so good.I try to go here and few weeks ago ,to visit China already ,but I didn’t get my visa ,so now I visit short period like six days of Shanghai.And then ,I’m leaving to Taiwan ,and i come back to Beijing. 林:讲到他为什么来中国旅行,在欧洲人,特别是荷兰的观点中,觉得中国人很有趣,因为,我们想要得到其他国家新闻的时候,往往都不是第一手的,只有我们在第一现场时,才能真正的了解这个新闻。而且,中国是个神秘的国家,很多有趣的事情都要经过很长的时间才会传到荷兰。所以他想通过这次旅行去了解中国。几周前他就想来到中国,不过遗憾的是由于签证的原因,六天前他才入境,所以他觉得很可惜。Jony说,想了解中文的难度,必须亲自到那个语言环境,否则这只是一个抽象的概念。在欧洲,很多国家报道中国人认真的工作态度是国家经济状况好的原因。但是,仅靠工作、赚钱、存钱,而不去消费,就能推动经济的发展吗?这样努力的去工作又是为了什么呢?Jony想要找到这个答案,但似乎并没有找到。 林:由于时间原因,我们就问一下Jony对苏州这座城市有些怎样的印象和看法?Can you use some simple sentence or a few sentence to explain, what impression of the suzhou ? Jony: I just arrived today. My first impression was , I expect small city,because they said it’s a smaller city than Shanghai,I expect it’s a small town,but it’s still a big city.But i really like the canals ,so I saw the canal ,the first canal i saw the walls outside the old city.First impression is ,people are friendly ,they accepted my camera.I can take photographs of them and I can say “nihao”,they try to talk with me,and it was very hard in Shanghai, I mean ,in big city.I like these small cute houses ,the old architecture houses. I am only here ,i think it’s downtown here? I like these canals here , ,maybe a little bit like Amsterdam,my city in the Netherlands with full of canals,with water,samll beaches to go to the outside the roads.So,my first impression is ,i like the small houses ,not the high rise buildings in this area.I like the ,people are friendly,and the food is good .So , i felt very happy right now ,and I’ll stay next night.So I really like the,feels local here,feels like,not like big city at all,but I just saw a lot of photos from the book ,the big book ,of the tourist book,and I was surprised the big lake here ,what I visit tomorrow the lake .I didn’t know it’s also the big town here ,I was surprised by it ,cause it feels small ,but it’s a really big city ,like everything in China is big. 林:Jony说,本以为苏州是一个小城市,当然,与上海相比,似乎的确是这样。但当他到这里时,却又发现事实并非如此。而他来这里的原因,就是苏州古城的城墙。同时,他觉得苏州人非常友善,当他遇到困难或者想拍摄当地的风土人情时,大家都很热情的帮助他,甚至连出租车司机都很友善,这让他非常惊讶。苏州特色的小吃、友善的本地人,都让他觉得苏州是一座温馨的小城市。但他疑惑的是,苏州明明是一座国际型城市,为什么都是这样矮小的房屋,而没有高层建筑呢?如果想看的话,明天可能要去新区走走。 Jony:For me , if you traveling in China ,is really hard when tortured at beginning.But when I arrived ,first ,I took my time to walk around and see small streets ,but evening when it’s get darker,and the sun was down , I need the way ,I was looking for this hotel ,as for a place to sleep ,and I asked around ,where should go?And I was really happy that people are friendly to navigate me to this place.I booked it in the Internet, because it near the downtown ,small place like to between the local people ,I don’t like to be stayed in hotel outside the city .To be part of the society ,just for maybe a few hours or maybe few days ,but I want to know what's going on,I want to know that the reason old man sitting another side the roads and he is sitting there the whole afternoon reading his newspaper.I want to know this is the same in my country while we all sitting outside and reading newspaper.If I sitting in the hotel I don’t see that.If I sitting in the lobby of the hotel ,I don’t see that,and I can see it here .But I’m very happy to ,the people are here,um,try to help me to bring me to this place ,because it’s very hard to read Chinese for me,or mandarin.So, I was happy someone on street bring me to this place.For me ,it’s important ,people know that ,if you not from China ,or not from Taiwan.I don’t understand mandarin ,they try to help you a little bit with it. 林:俗话说,万事开头难。对于Jony说,当他决定来中国时,最大的顾虑就是中文的交流,这对他来说很难。幸运的是他的朋友给予了他非常大的鼓励,告诉他不要害怕去和中国人交流,反而要勇敢的去和我们交谈,所以给他推荐了青年客栈。这样就会有一个空间,让他可以进行更多的中文锻炼,而不是像高级旅馆那样,一个人在屋里看书读报,做着在家里也能做的事情,没有任何不同。同时,想看到人与人之间的互动,也是他来到青年客栈的原因。 林:Thank you for you to answer and our questions are finished. 亲爱的听众朋友,这里是苏州声声曼旅行电台,我们在声声曼青年客栈为你播报,感谢Jony接受我们的采访,感谢你的关注和收听,thankyou. Jony:Thank you very much for your time ,it’s pretty well in China.