20200501 五一特辑1——五一劳动节的由来

20200501 五一特辑1——五一劳动节的由来

2020-05-03    01'11''

主播: Shally🚉

169 0

20200501 五一劳动节的由来 核心报导 For millions of workers around the world, the 1st of May is their day. In the late 19th century, American Labor Unions were fed up - fed up with being overworked, in dangerous conditions and with little pay. So in 1884, the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions met in Chicago and had one major demand: an eight-hour workday. 对于全世界数百万劳动人民而言,5月1日是属于他们的日子。十九世纪晚期,美国工会受够了过度劳累、身处危险的环境,却只领到微薄的薪资。于是在1884年,美国和加拿大的八个国际性和全国性工人团体,在美国芝加哥举行一个集会,并提出一项主要需求:一天工作八小时。 And on May 1st, 1886, over 300,000 American workers went on strike. Three days later, thousands of strikers met in Haymarket Square, where a riot broke out between cops and workers. A bomb was thrown into the crowd, killing several people. It was called the Haymarket Massacre. 1886年5月1日, 超过三十万名美国劳动工人罢工。三天后,数千名罢工工人在干草市场聚集,暴乱在警察和工人之间爆发,这时一颗炸弹被投掷到人群中,造成数人死亡。这次事件被称作干草市场事件。 And today, May 1st is known as International Workers' Day. While every country's workers have a different history behind May Day, they all commemorate those who have and continue to give their lives for workers' justice. 如今,5月1日被称为国际劳动节。尽管每个国家的劳动工人在劳动节背后有着不同的历史,但他们都纪念那些曾经为劳动工人的正义而付出生命的人们。