20200508 西安の美食、文化、兵马俑(20180717)

20200508 西安の美食、文化、兵马俑(20180717)

2020-05-09    00'47''

主播: Shally🚉

138 0

The fabled Silk Road city of Xi’an in China Shaanxi province is best known as the home of the famous Terracotta Warriors, but its other great claim to fame is its food. As the eastern terminus of the Silk Road, Xi’an was a melting pot of cultures and an important gateway for Central Asian and Islamic influences to enter Chinese life. One of the best ways to experience this cross-cultural pollination is to follow your nose to Xi’an’s Muslim Quarter, where the scent of Middle Eastern spices, such as cumin, cardamom, ginger and nutmeg, still permeate the air. 位于中国陕西省的传奇丝绸之路之城——西安,因其是闻名于世的兵马俑的所在地而出名,不过它另一个出名的原因在于它的食物。作为丝绸之路的东部起始点,西安是一个文化大熔炉,也是中亚人与伊斯兰的影响进入中国的重要门户。体验这一跨文化交融的最好方式之一就是跟着鼻子走,来到回民街,这儿的空气里到处弥漫着中东香料的味道,比如说孜然、豆蔻、生姜和肉豆蔻。