如果感到尴尬,你就拍拍手(super awkward)

如果感到尴尬,你就拍拍手(super awkward)

2015-05-04    26'25''

主播: 撸撸粘

3700 192

HEY, WE ARE BACK! 1. NO BALLS 没种= when someone doesn&`&t have the guts to do something. Tuge has no balls to confess his love to 铁柱! 2. awkward silence 一群人在聊天 突然有天使飞过 it was super awkward 3. 拉在裤子里 shit someone’s pants: 吐哥 shit his pants again! 4. push over=someone who doesn&`&t say "no". 吐哥 is a pushover when he&`&s with 撸姐. 5. help sb out 帮助人 6. i&`&m embarresed easily 脸皮很薄 awkward & embarrasing awkward是很尴尬 embarrasing就是做了某事让自己很难堪, 很尴尬 I embarrased myself by dancing in a group. 7. 没有安全感 insecure: i am insecure when i am with my girlfriend 8. 争强好胜的 aggressive: she&`&s super aggressive