7.4 瞄星人

7.4 瞄星人

2018-07-04    00'36''

主播: 萌子_Alisa

128 1

7-4 麦克风打卡金句 Some people might look at this and say, you know, we’re forcing the animal, or the animal has to jump through hoops, but I always look at it this way. If an animal was out in the wild, animals don’t just come and jump in their mouths. They have to do something. They have to possibly even perform something extraordinary and be very stealthy and cunning to capture this prey. So we’re kind of mimicking those natural desires. And we’re just recreating them and getting the cat just to do little things for some sort of reward.   有些人看到这个,可能会说,我们是在强迫动物跳圈,或者动物必须要那样做。但我是这样看待的,如果动物生活在野外,食物是不会自己跳到他们的嘴里。他们必须要做一些事情,甚至做一些不同寻常的事情,要非常隐密,非常狡猾地抓住猎物。所以我们是在模仿动物们那种天生的欲望。我们只是重新创造出这种环境,让猫做一些小事情来获得某种回报。
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