8.8  Adidas

8.8 Adidas

2018-08-08    00'50''

主播: 萌子_Alisa

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2018.08.08 Calling all creators, those with the need to make something new, who are obsessed with progress. Creativity  is everything in today’s game. It’s about making a statement. I think what we’re all trying to do is leave a mark, so the game would never be the same. We’re all creators, related by a mindset. That’s our job - to continue to try to enlighten while we inspire. I’ve been taking an example of thee, but now I have to create for myself. It’s not about borders, gender, race. I ain’t trying to stay in my life. I’m trying to strike while the iron is hot. It’s all intertwined, fashion inspires music. Our design is for it together. Join us, pull up a chair. Let’s change sport, change lives. Let’s create. 召唤所有的创造者,那些需要创造新事物的人,那些执着于进步的人。创造力是当今世界的一切,这是一种主张。我认为我们要做的是留下印记,这样比赛永远都不一样。我们都是创造者,被同种思想联系在了一起。这就是我们的工作——在我们鼓舞他人的同时,要继续给他们以启迪。我一直把你们作为榜样,但现在我要为我自己去创造。 创造与国界、性别、种族无关。我不想我的生活停滞不前,我要趁热打铁。创造把一切都交织在一起,时尚给音乐带来灵感。我们的设计就是为了把这一切都结合到一起。加入我们吧,拉一把椅子坐过来!让我们一起改变运动,改变生活。让我们一起创造吧!