中国国际进口博览会 China International Import Expo

中国国际进口博览会 China International Import Expo

2018-11-05    00'36''

主播: 萌子_Alisa

163 0

中国经济是一片大海,而不是一个小池塘。大海有风平浪静之时,也有风狂雨骤之时。没有风狂雨骤,那就不是大海了。狂风骤雨可以掀翻小池塘,但不能掀翻大海。 To use a metaphor, the Chinese economy is not a pond but an ocean. The ocean may have its calm days, but big winds and storms are only to be expected. Without them, the ocean wouldn't be what it is. Big winds and storms may upset a pond, but never an ocean.  经历了无数次狂风骤雨,大海依旧在那儿!经历了5000多年的艰难困苦,中国依旧在那儿!面向未来,中国将永远在这儿! Having experienced numerous winds and storms, the ocean will still be there. It is the same for China. After going through 5,000 years of trials and tribulations, China is still here. Looking ahead, China will always be here to stay.
上一期: 11.03 金庸 Lesson B
下一期: 11.05 Golden voice