11.06 Golden voice B

11.06 Golden voice B

2018-11-06    00'45''

主播: 萌子_Alisa

171 0

EMF  2018.11.06 当我看到新闻说彩票中心正在找一个中头奖的幸运儿时,我完全不知道,真的,他们到底在找谁。直到我女朋友给我打电话并告诉我,“他们找的就是你!我的生日(中奖号码)早已经火了!” When I saw the news that they (lottery center) were looking for a lucky bastard with a winning ticket, I had no idea, really, who they were talking about until my girlfriend called me and told me, “It’s you that they are looking for! My birthday went viral!”. 我不想有一天我离开这个世界时,人们只觉得我是一个英文老师。我希望让他们看到语言的力量。我希望我的学生收听英语麦克风,并且看到自身真正出现了一直渴望的改变。 I don’t want people to think of me as I left this earth that I was merely an English teacher. I want them to see the power of language. And I want my students to listen to EMF and see some of the changes that they have been dreaming of and happened. 我不会希望自己在任何地方不一样,因为上帝把我变成这样是有原因的。而这个原因就是在这里,和大家沟通,去告诉你们,要在生活中保持自信。 I’m not gonna make myself different in anywhere, because God created me like this for a reason. And that reason is to be here, to talk to you, to tell you to keep faith in your life.