

2015-03-05    01'15''

主播: 财新金融英语

465 17

A spotlight is being cast on private players with growing gripes over market reforms in power transmission under central government initiatives. Real estate developers in China are required to pay for grid hook-up fees but by July 2013, some 48 cities across the country had adopted rules that bar property developers from hiring independent contractors. For southeastern Guangxi, the regulation was later expanded to cover the whole region in February 2014. Under the regulations, property developers say they now pay roughly twice as much as standard construction costs. The added cost has compelled some developers to postpone the sales of homes to buyers, with many still hoping that the regulation will be lifted. For a single residential complex, developers in Guangxi say that being barred from using private contractors has added millions of yuan to building construction. The added fees cover the installation of the transmission system and maintenance costs by a government-approved company. Liu Quanhong, an economic researcher at the National Development and Reform Commission, the country&`&s top economic planner, said contracts for power installation projects should follow market rules. For Caixin Online, this is Diana Bates. 老何是一家中小型房地产开发公司的负责人, 在广西玉林市做地产六个年头。在刚刚过去的2014年,老何手头上的一个项目迟迟未能完成交房。项目卡在了小区配电工程上——2014年2月,广西自治区物价局正式出台了《关于广西新建居住区供配电设施建设维护费有关问题的通知》(下称《通知》),规定新建居住区的开发商要按建筑面积每平方米120-150元,向统一组织配电工程建设的供电企业缴纳费用。 老何告诉财新记者,完成配电工程给业主通电,是可以交房的一个重要条件,在这之前,居民区输配电工程都是由开发商自主招标来完成投资建设,而后移交供电局运营维护,但以后要统一交给供电局来做——按照《通知》中的收费标准,要比开发商自主建设的费用贵1倍左右——这不是笔小钱,相当于建筑面积每平方米增加七八十元,对一个中等规模小区来说就是上千万元。 正因如此,在去年的大部分时间里,他和同事不得不游走于市政府的各个职能部门和玉林市供电局之间,试图协调解决这个问题。据老何介绍,在这次的《通知》出来前,玉林市每年竣工和交房的住宅区项目数量约在30-40个左右,而就在去年有30多个待交房项目都在观望,等待政策的转机。 据广西物价局的统计,自《通知》实施之日起至2014年12月,广西电网公司供电范围内已受理报装用电的新建居民住宅小区共239家,其中29家已开工建设,即已经按《通知》规定标准实施收费的小区仅有29家。 这不是个案。 2013年7月,国家能源局监管司组织各派出机构,在全国范围开展了用户受电工程市场开放情况的调研。调研结果显示,有14个省、48个地级市分别以省级政府和市级政府出台文件,由省、市级供电企业向开发单位收取新建住宅小区配套工程建设和管理费用,专户缴存,统一管理,并由供电企业公开招标确定设计、施工和设备供应单位。