

2015-03-12    01'37''

主播: 财新金融英语

340 25

The ability to move full speed ahead on construction is putting Chinese companies in the lead for bids to build a railway link between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore, according to experts. In 2013, Malaysia and Singapore agreed to construct a 350 kilometer long high speed rail line. Expected to be completed in 2020, bidding for the rail line is set to take place in the second half of this year. Already, several international companies have shown interest in the project, including East Japan Railway Co., Siemens AG and Alstom. But two experts have said Chinese companies may be front-runners given shorter projected construction times and cost. Lee Der Horng, an engineering professor at the National University of Singapore said China Railway Construction Corp. Ltd. (CRCC) said it would be able to complete the work within two years. Meanwhile, East Japan Railway has said over four years would be required. Another expert said CRCC would also be able to build the line at half the cost of East Japan Railway, the company’s major rival. The Chinese government has urged the country’s two largest train manufacturers, China CNR Corp. Ltd. and China CSR Corp. Ltd. to merge as part of efforts to step up the country’s overseas rail deals. A source close to the two companies said CRCC and China CSR Corp. Ltd. have formed a consortium for their bid on the Kuala Lumpur-Singapore line project. The source added that CRCC believes the cultural affinities of ethnic Chinese populations in Singapore and Malaysia will offer the company an advantage in securing the bid. For Caixin Online, this is Diana Bates. 在墨西哥高铁项目受阻后,中国正在低调争取连接吉隆坡和新加坡的高铁项目。这一项目预计将在今年下半年进行国际招标,多位接近此项目的业内人士预测,中国在招标中占优。 这将是东南亚地区启动的首个高铁建设项目。这一计划在上世纪末由大马建设业巨头YTL集团提出,两年前新加坡总理李显龙(Lee Hsien Loong)与马来西亚总理纳吉布(Najib Razak)同意修建。除了中国铁建之外,日本JR东日本交通公司、法国阿尔斯通以及德国西门子均有意参加招标。 这一高铁项目全程350公里,被新加坡领导人形容为“游戏变革者”,致力于提高新加坡和马来西亚两个经济体的连通度。根据两国此前达成的共识,铁路将在2020年完工。据当地媒体报道,负责项目建设的马来西亚陆路公共交通委员会主席塞哈密(Syed Hamid Albar)最近称,建设工作将于2016年启动。 据财新记者了解,有意投标的日本公司认为这个时间表很紧,即使马上开始投标,也不一定来得及。但接近项目筹建的新加坡国立大学土木工程系教授李德纮(Lee Der Horng)透露,中国企业则认为可以在两年内完成建设。 除了建设速度外,中国高铁在成本上有优势。专家分析,在中国的高铁建设成本不到日本新干线的一半。据估算,这一高铁项目的总建设费达到384亿令吉(约合652亿人民币元)。