

2015-04-24    01'57''

主播: 财新金融英语

414 19

Cross-border police service Interpol has added the names of 100 Chinese corruption suspects wanted by the government&`&s corruption watchdog, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, or CCDI, to their list of international fugitives. The Ministry of Public Security asked Interpol to add the 100 "red notices" to appeal to foreign law enforcement with help in repatriating the suspects. The notices include details for each fugitive with a list of alleged crimes, a passport-sized photo of the individual and information on their Chinese resident identity card. The list also provides the fugitives&`& former positions of employment, date of departure from China and the countries they are believed to have escaped to. Forty of the fugitives are believed to be in the United States and 26 in Canada, with others presumed to have fled mainly to New Zealand, Australia, Thailand and Singapore. Some of the people on the list fled as back as far as 1996. One major suspect is 68-year-old Yang Xiuzhu, a former Zhejiang provincial government official that oversaw urban development, and is wanted for embezzlement, according to the Interpol notice. Between 1986 and 1998, she was in charge of several major land deals and redevelopment projects in Wenzhou that became mired in claims of corruption. She fled in 2003 with her daughter, granddaughter and son-in-law. The notices come as part of the government&`&s Sky Net campaign, one prong of the wider anti-graft drive that seeks to bring back overseas fugitives, and their money, to answer corruption charges at home. The CCDI said the 100 wanted under the red notices represent only a fraction of those targeted in the global hunt. However, international law experts said a lack of extradition treaties between China and the countries would complicate procedures for returning fugitives home to face trial. For Caixin Online, this is Nikolai Blackie 据中央纪委监察部网站消息,按照“天网”行动统一部署,国际刑警组织中国国家中心局近日集中公布了针对100名涉嫌犯罪的外逃国家工作人员、重要腐败案件涉案人等人员的红色通缉令,加大全球追缉力度。 红色通缉令是由国际刑警组织发布的国际通报,其通缉对象是有关国家法律部门已发出逮捕令、要求成员国引渡的在逃犯。国际刑警组织中国国家中心局十分重视同成员国执法机构的合作,多次通过国际刑警组织发布红色通缉令。 这次集中公布的100人包括外逃国家工作人员和重要腐败案件涉案人,都是涉嫌犯罪、证据确凿的外逃人员,已经由国际刑警组织发布红色通缉令,正在全球范围追捕。中方通过国际刑警等渠道提请有关国家执法机构加强合作,协助将有关嫌疑人缉拿归案,并表示这次公布的只是其中一部分,今后对于涉嫌犯罪的外逃人员,依然要发现一起、通缉一起。 中央反腐败协调小组国际追逃追赃工作办公室负责人表示,全球通缉涉嫌犯罪的外逃国家工作人员和重要腐败案件涉案人是“天网”行动的重要措施,有利于加强国际合作,提高追逃追赃效率。当前,追逃追赃的力度逐步加大、方式不断创新,一张追捕外逃腐败分子的天网正在形成。我们将加强与有关国家的执法合作,充分运用各种资源,使腐败分子成为过街老鼠,人人喊打,坚决把他们抓回来绳之以法。