

2015-06-08    01'40''

主播: 财新金融英语

590 38

Gadgets for a “smart home,” or a system of domestic appliances connected to the Internet, are not only a growing tech trend but one that is seeing much more competition from major companies in China. The market for so-called smart home systems is expected to boom in the next two or three years, perhaps even giving Chinese companies new access to overseas markets. Growth in the smart home market is predicted to be enormous; China's smart homes revenues totaled 15 billion yuan in 2012, and are expected to reach 139.6 billion yuan just six years later, in 2018. The e-commerce company Alibaba and smartphone maker Xiaomi are among the Chinese companies at the forefront of this growing market. The market, powered by handheld devices and an increased demand for convenient living, has the potential to create new investment opportunities, and appliance makers like Haier are making sure they don't get left out. Xiaomi, for one, recently added smart home systems to the company's core businesses, and is said to be developing a smartphone application through which consumers can control all sorts of household devices. Alibaba and online retailer JD.com have started offering Internet services to the manufacturers of appliances. Alibaba said in April that it will build an online platform that supports smart home systems. Industry experts say big questions still remain on issues ranging from business models to hardware supplies. Liu Zongru, founder of wireless module maker Hangzhou Gubei Electronics Technology, said the next step in the industry will center on determining a common platform to connect operating systems with devices. For Caixin online, this is Samuel Liu. 所谓智能家居,是指利用综合布线和网络通信等物联网技术,将家中的各种设备(如音视频设备、照明系统、窗帘控制、空调控制、安防系统等)连接到一起,构建对这些设备的管理系统。这个领域涉及互联网、家电、地产以及各种智能硬件等众多行业。 未来之家,在你进门时,屋内会自动亮起灯光、拉开窗帘、打开空调,在你出门时又自动关闭;冰箱、电视以及空调、微波炉,这些原本熟视无睹的家用电器也将变得“面目全非”:智能冰箱可以通过手机或电脑,随时随地为你提供冰箱里食物的数量和保鲜保质信息,提醒你补充新鲜食材,甚至直接进入购物网站帮你采购;你该做饭了,厨房电器根据冰箱里的食材,为你推荐菜谱;智能空调可以根据室外温湿度变化自动调节室内温度,自动制冷、制热、去湿及空气净化——当然这些都可以通过手机远程遥控。 以上场景加了些想象,但已完全可实现,产业只缺两件事:一件是规模,另一件是成本。 今年以来,家居、家电乃至所有硬件的智能化趋势正在加速。 多数业内人士认为,智能家居可能有两种未来,一种是通过手机App实现家里所有设备的“超级遥控”;另一种无法确定,或许是平台系统,或许是语音、手势、体感等,总之是去中心化、无需遥控。 这些未知正是当下智能家居玩家们都在摸索的未来。从谷歌、苹果、三星等跨国公司,再到小米、阿里巴巴、京东等中国互联网巨头,以及海尔、美的等家电厂商,都已先后宣布布局智能家居。