

2015-06-24    01'54''

主播: 财新金融英语

7380 74

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla Motors, faced such popular reception when he introduced his electric car in China last year that he predicted Chinese consumers would account for 35 percent of Tesla sales worldwide before the year’s end. But in 2014, Tesla only sold 2,499 vehicles in China, in contrast to 31,700 worldwide, according to the China Automobile Dealers Association. However, Tesla’s presence in China strengthened during the first quarter of 2015, with over 1,000 of the company’s cars receiving licenses, according to market consultancy JL Warren Capital. Recharging cars remains a major challenge for the electric vehicle market worldwide. In China, state-owned companies have installed 20,000 electric vehicle charging stations throughout the country, but these are only compatible with Chinese-made vehicles. Though a company executive stated that the issue cannot be resolved, Tesla remains undeterred. Since the company’s China debut, it has opened 40 charging stations in 19 cities, along with 600 smaller “charging points.” In addition, Tesla has signed deals with Minsheng Bank and China Unicom to install charging stations at many malls and retail outlets, and offers customers free home installation of charging stations. Tesla is also working alongside power distributors and government regulators to create Tesla-compatible charging stations. In order to compete with brands that are better established, such as BMW, head of Tesla’s operations in China Tom Zhu said the company is also planning on spending some US$ 500 million for supplies from Chinese companies. Despite the bumps it’s encountered so far, the company is set to shift up a gear for more local collaboration and less marketing. For Caixin Online, this is Jessie Dalman. 2014年4月,马斯克亲自来到中国交付第一批Model S,“交车仪式像演唱会一样热烈”。他因此预测,2014年来自中国地区的销量能占到全球销量的30%-35%。 一年后,真实的销售数字推翻了所有的美好想象。财报显示,特斯拉2014年产量为3.5万辆,销量3.17万辆。而据中国进口汽车信息联席会(AAK)的数据显示:2014年,特斯拉全年海关进口量为4800辆,截至2014年底,全国上牌量仅为2499辆。 特斯拉中国区总经理朱晓彤用“过山车”形容特斯拉刚刚过去的一年:入华初期火爆,一段时间供不应求;年底销量下滑,进入“理性时期”;再到如今逐渐复苏,“具体数字没法透露,但目前已能看到业绩上扬”。 截至今年一季度,特斯拉在中国的表现仍谈不上亮眼。据市场研究公司JL Warren Capital公布的数据,今年前三个月特斯拉Model S在中国的上牌量分别为469辆、260辆和326辆。这意味着,特斯拉正式交车一年后,上牌量合计约3600辆。一位特斯拉销售人员向财新记者透露称,到今年4月,中国区共计提车3900多辆,基本印证了前述数字。 从特斯拉酝酿进入中国的2013年初起至今的两年间,朱晓彤已是特斯拉在中国的第三位负责人。由于中国市场的表现“出人意料的疲软”,2014年12月,上任8个月的特斯拉全球副总裁、中国区总裁吴碧瑄离职。在她之前,特斯拉首位中国总经理郑顺景的任期也仅有一年。 特斯拉遇到了很多中国特色的难题。美国人的充电桩安装在自家车库里就行,但花了70多万元买特斯拉的中国车主可能连固定的停车位都没有;中国政府给补贴在大城市里安装公共充电桩,但很多藏在犄角旮旯,至今特斯拉的电动车都无法与其兼容。在很长一段时间,在北京这样的城市特斯拉无法享受新能源车的待遇。 和一年前不同,特斯拉现在有了更多强劲的对手。2014年年底,德国豪华汽车品牌宝马宣布,其上市一周年的电动车宝马i3全球销量达到12000辆。2014年9月,宝马i在中国正式发布了i3电动车和i8跑车等三款车型。 专注于新能源的汽车咨询师张翔对财新记者表示,特斯拉在中国上市时,性能还算市场领先,今年以来,宝马、奥迪都在力推性能接近特斯拉的电动车,也都在进入中国市场。而特斯拉相比老牌车企,品牌基础“还没夯实”。再加上新产品Model X迟迟未出,特斯拉已进入“危险阶段”。