

2016-10-31    12'08''

主播: Jump English

7689 595

Lesson 16 A polite request 彬彬有礼的要求 1 park [pɑ:k] v.停放(汽车) 2 traffic ['træfik] n.交通 3 ticket ['tikit] n.交通法规罚款单 4 note [nəut] n.便条 5 area ['eəriə] n.地点 6 sign [sain] n.指示牌 7 reminder [ri'maində] n.指示 8 fail [feil] v.无视,忘记 9 obey [ə'bei] v.服从 If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it. You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. However, this does not always happen. Traffic police are sometimes very polite. During a holiday in Sweden, I found this note on my car:' Sir, we welcome you to our city. This is a "No Parking" area. You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to our street signs. This note is only a reminder.' If you receive a request like this, you cannot fail to obey it!