

2014-11-07    20'15''

主播: mikeee

12380 974

[00:51.58]You think you've got problems. [00:53.17]The gibbon【动】长臂猿 is the only member of the ape family not classified [00:57.06]as a great ape. [04:29.29]Bernie's really excited. [04:30.93]I... I could tell because her voice got so high, [04:33.13]the beagle猎兔狗 next door started howling. [04:37.50]Did you go to your prom? [04:38.81]No. [05:53.85]And why can't he take your mom? [05:55.22]You took her to your prom. [05:58.10]I didn't "take" her; she was a chaperone年长女伴. [06:01.97]I saw a picture of you two dancing together. [06:05.06]W... What was I gonna do? [11:31.89]That's got to put some starch in the upper flermin. [11:37.10]What's that? [11:38.10]Oh, it's a scaly多鳞的 genital organ [11:39.90]that grows between his shoulder blades. [11:41.65]Try not to touch it when you're dancing.