

2015-02-10    06'16''

主播: や Farjean

124 6

1. Be in the air意思是即将要发生或者改变 2. Clear the air意思是消除误会 3. Wipe the slate clean 既往不咎,之前的一笔勾销 4. Cost an arm and a leg出大价钱,花了血本 5. A bad egg.道德败坏的人 6. a stuffed shirt 道貌岸然,看上去一本正经,白天教授晚上禽兽 7. Put one’s cards on the table打开天窗说亮话 8. beat around the bush 东拉西扯,不进入正题 9. beat your breast捶胸顿足 10. Have one’s head in the clouds 想入非非 心不在焉