

2015-07-05    06'11''

主播: 刘晶晶

117 4

小主播:Kate Lu (卢可可)三年级 Olivia and the Fairy Princesses - 小猪奥利维亚系列 (再見夢幻公主) Written by Ian Falconer: 故事提要: 谁说女孩一定要当公主?奧利维亚告诉你:做自己,最快乐! 奧利维亚有一個大烦恼:我不知道我要当什么才好?全世界的女孩都想当粉红闪亮小公主,是大家都一样,一点也不好!奧利维亚想要当一个非常特別的人,奧利维亚想了又想,想了又想:啊!我知道我要当什么了! Summary: Olivia is having an identity crisis! There are too many ruffly, sparkly princesses around these days, and Olivia has had quite enough. She needs to stand out! She has to be special! She wants to do more than just fit in! So what will she be?