

2015-08-11    05'23''

主播: 刘晶晶

96 3

小主播:David Chang(常家睿)六年级 Little Bear's Visit (Story #2 Mother Bear's Robin) - 小熊来访(故事二 妈妈熊的小知更鸟) Written by Else Holmelund Minarik Picture by Maurice Sendak Published by HarperCollinsPublishers 故事提要: 小熊去看望爷爷熊和奶奶熊。奶奶熊给小熊讲了妈妈熊和小知更鸟的故事。 妈妈熊小时候在花园里看到一只还不会飞的小知更鸟。小知更鸟找不到家了。在妈妈熊的照顾下,小知更鸟长大了。他想飞到外面的世界去。妈妈熊给了小知更鸟自由。小知更鸟飞走了,可他没有忘记妈妈熊,他和他的孩子们每年都回来看望妈妈熊。 Summary: Little Bear visited his Grandmother and Grandfather. Then Grandmother bear told little Bear a story about Mother bear and her little Robin. When mother bear was little, she found a little robin in the garden. Little robin was too little to fly and he couldn't find his home. Mother bear took care of little robin. Little robin grew up. He wanted to flew out into the world. Mother bear let little robin went free. Little robin went back and visited mother bear every year with his children.