C1P4 橘猫Bob P4

C1P4 橘猫Bob P4

2019-12-09    01'57''

主播: JENNY小简妮

161 1

Page4: ‘No, James, you can’t have him,’ she said, nodding towards the door of the flat that the cat was sitting outside. ‘He can’t have just wandered in here and settled on this spot, he must belong to whoever lives there. Probably waiting for them to come home and let him in.’  Reluctantly, I agreed with her. I couldn’t just pick up a cat and take him home with me, even if all the signs pointed to the fact it was homeless. I’d barely moved into this place myself and was still trying to sort out my flat. What if it did belong to the person living in that flat? They weren’t going to take too kindly to someone carrying off their pet, were they?  Besides, the last thing I needed right now was the extra responsibility of a cat. I was a failed musician and recovering drug addict living a hand-to-mouth existence in sheltered accommodation. Taking responsibility for myself was hard enough.  The following morning, Friday, I headed downstairs to find the ginger tom still sitting there. It was as if he hadn’t shifted from the same spot in the past twelve hours or so.  Once again I dropped down on one knee and stroked him. Once again it was obvious that he loved it. He was purring away, appreciating the attention he was getting.   词汇清扫: Homeless 无家可归的:You took money from a homeless man? barely 仅仅够,一点不多,强调没有多余。The shore was barely visible through the fog Sort out 解决,整理出 We are just sorting out the paperwork, sir. Carry off 带走This guy looks like he was carried off by the current. Hand-to-mouth 现挣现吃的,仅够糊口的。We&`&re living hand to mouth as it is. 生活相当拮据。 Purr 猫叫声(Big bang theory里 Penny 经常唱的睡眠曲里有这个)