<Baby Reading Show>little blue and little yellow

<Baby Reading Show>little blue and little yellow

2015-12-25    03'14''

主播: 西文英文绘本亲子共读

122 9

简介: 文文,英文名:Denny, 7岁男孩,小学一年级,4岁开始英文启蒙,看原版英文动画片,最喜欢“托马斯和朋友”,经常听妈妈讲英文绘本,没上过英文培训班,也没出过国,现在刚开始自已拼读,每天在荔枝FM上读20分钟,读得还比较生硬,“洋”味尚不足,希望与大家共同进步。谢谢。 Little Blue and Little Yellow This is little blue. Here he is at home with papa and mama blue. Little blue has many friends but his best friend is little yellow who lives across the street. How they love to play at Hide-and-Seek and Ring-a-Ring-O&`&Roses! In school they sit still in neat rows. After school they run and jump. One day mama blue went shopping."You stay home"she said to little blue. But little blue went out to look for little yellow. Alas!The house across the street was empty. He looked here and there and everywhere...untile suddenly,around a corner there was little yellow! Happily they hugged each other and hugged each other until they were green Then they went to play in the park. They ran through a tunnel. They chased little orange. They climbed a mountain. When they were tired they went home. But papa and mam blue said:"You are not our little blue-you are green." And papa and mama yellow said:"You are not our little yellow-you are green." Little blue and little yellow were very sad.They cried big blue and yellow tears. They cried and cried until they were all tears. When they finally pulled themselves together they sail:"Will they believe us now?" Mama blue and papa blue were very happy to see their little blue. They hugged and kissed him And they hugged little yellow too...but look...they became green! Now they knew what had happened and so they went across the street to bring the good news. They all hugged each other with joy and the children played until suppertime. The End