<Baby Reading Show>Eric自我介绍

<Baby Reading Show>Eric自我介绍

2015-12-25    01'28''

主播: 西文英文绘本亲子共读

38 0

My name is Eric, I’m a cool and strong boy. I’m four years old. I’m in K3-1 of Harvest Kindergarten. There are 33 children in my classroom,18 boys and 15 girls. I love my friends very much. And also I have 3 teachers in my classroom. My English teacher is Wendy, My Chinese teacher is Kitty and my health teacher is Maggie. I love my teachers ,my teachers also love me. I feel happy. Now I will tell you a lovely story about my favorite toy, a stuffed little tiger. She is a girl and her name is Dou Dou. My mommy bought it for me since I was born in the Year of Tiger. We grew up together - play together eat together and sleep together. I am her teacher and she is my student. I teach her everything I learned in my kindergarten. I love my little tiger very much and we are happy together! Thank you for your time!