<Baby Reading Show>Mouse&Lion

<Baby Reading Show>Mouse&Lion

2015-12-25    02'17''

主播: 西文英文绘本亲子共读

241 13

One afternoon a big lion was taking a nap under a tree.A mouse accidentally touched the sleeping lion.The lion woke up suddenly and he was very angry. Lion:"Who,who would dare to touch me,the King of the Jungle?Oh?What is this?Just a little mouse?" Mouse:"Squeak!Squeak!I&`&m very sorry,Your Highness.Please let me go!" The mouse is in trouble!He could be eaten at any minute!The mouse begged for his life.And the lion felt sorry for him. Lion:"Hmm.I&`&ll forgive you just once.Off you go." Mouse:"Thank you!Thank you,Your Highness!I&`&ll never forget this favor." So the mouse was set free.Then one day the lion was walking in the forest.Suddenly he got trapped in a net.At that moment the mouse was passing by and he saw the lion. Mouse:"You are the lion that let me go.How did you get trapped like this?" Lion:"Mouse,please help me!" The mouse began to gnaw the rope of the net with his sharp teeth.Night came,but the lion was still not freed. Mouse:"Your Highness,please be patient." Lion:"Sure." The next morning the lion finally got out of the net. Lion:"Whew!I&`&m free!Mouse,thank you so much." Mouse:"Ahh.It was nothing." From then on, the big lion and the little mouse have been good friends.