

2016-11-13    23'15''

主播: Ran_oldYang

2768 45

If you are the dealer I'm out of the game 如果你是庄家,那我就退出牌局 If you are the healer it means I'm broken and lame 如果你是医生,想必我就是一瘸一拐 If thine is the glory then mine must be the shame 如果你享受荣耀,那我只能忍受耻辱 You want it darker 如果你向往黑暗 We kill the flame 就让我们扑灭光明 Magnified sanctified be thy holy name 你的名字神圣而光辉 Vilified crucified in the human frame 血肉之躯却被折辱钉死 A million candles burning for the help that never came 千万支蜡烛祈求着无法降临的庇佑 You want it darker 如果你向往黑暗 Hineni hineni 我在这里,我在这里 I'm ready my lord 主啊,我已经做好准备,