Fly guy meets fly girl! 2016.09.28

Fly guy meets fly girl! 2016.09.28

2016-09-28    04'20''

主播: 奇奇成长点滴

715 11

Fly Guy Meets Fly Girl! By Tedd Arnold A boy had a pet fly. He named him Fly Guy. Fly Guy could say the boy’s name--- BUZZ! Chapter 1 One day, Buzz and Fly Guy were bored. Fly Guy said, FUNZZIE? “Yeah,” said Buzz. “Let’s do something fun.” Buzz and Fly Guy went for a walk. They played chase. They cooled off in the fountain. A girl was running. A fly was chasing her. “Don’t worry,” said Buzz. “Flies aren’t pests. They are pets.” “I know,” said the girl. “This is my pet. Her name is Fly Girl.” Chapter 2 Buzz said, “This is Fly Guy. He can do tricks.” “Fly Girl can do tricks, too!” said the girl. “Fly Guy eats gross stuff,” said Buzz. “Fly Girl eats grosser stuff!” said the girl. “Fly Guy can say my name,” said Buzz. BUZZ! “Fly Girl can say my name, too!” said the girl. LIZZZ! “Do you want to play on the swings?” said Buzz. “Sure,” said Liz. Chapter 3 Fly Guy and Fly Girl sat side by side. Fly Guy said, WUZZLE WUZZLE That is fly talk for “You are nice.” Fly Girl said, WUZZLE WUZZIE That is fly talk for “You are nice, too.” Fly Guy and Fly Girl talked and talked. WUZZLE WUZZLE WUZZLE WUZZY WUZZY WUZZLE WUZZA WUZZLE WUZZLE WUZZLE WUZZY WUZZA WUZZY WUZZY WUZZLE WUZZY Then Fly Guy said, BUZZZ? And Fly Girl said, LIZZZ? Fly Guy and Fly Girl both said, WUZZLE WUZZZUP! That is fly talk for “Let’s be friends.” “See you soon,” said Buzz and Liz. FUNZZIE! “Yeah,” said Buzz. “That was fun!”