What do you do with a tail like this? 2017.04.16

What do you do with a tail like this? 2017.04.16

2017-04-16    07'07''

主播: 奇奇成长点滴

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What Do You Do With A Tail Like This? By Steve Jenkins & Robin Page Animals use their noses, ears, tails, eyes, mouths, and feet in very different ways. See if you can guess which animal each part belongs to and how it is used. At the back of the book you can find out more about these animals. What do you do with a nose like this? If you’re a platypus, you use your nose to dig in the mud. If you’re a hyena, You find your next meal with your nose. If you’re an elephant, you use your nose to give yourself a bath. If you’re a mole, you use your nose to find your way underground. If you’re an alligator, you breathe through your nose while hiding in the water. What do you do with ears like these? If you’re a jackrabbit, you use your ears to keep cool. If you’re a cricket, you hear with ears that are on your knees. If you’re a hippopotamus, you close your ears when you re under water. If you’re a humpback whale, you hear sounds hundreds of miles away. What do you do with a tail like this? If you’re a giraffe, you brush off pesky flies with your tail. If you’re a skunk, you lift your tail to warn that a stinky spray is on the way. If you’re a lizard, you break off your tail to get away. If you’re a scorpion, your tail can give a nasty sting. If you’re a monkey, you hang from a tree by your tail. What do you do with eyes like these? If you’re an eagle, you spot tiny animals from high in the air. If you’re a chameleon, you look two ways at once. If you’re a four-eyed fish, you look above and below the water at the same time. If you’re a bush baby, you use your large eyes to see clearly at night. If you’re a horned lizard, you squirt blood out of your eyes. What do you do with feet like these? If you’re a blue-footed booby, you do a dance. If you’re chimpanzee, you feed yourself with your feet. If you’re a water strider, you walk on water. If you’re a gecko, you use your sticky feet to walk on the ceiling. If you’re a mountain goat, you leap from ledge to ledge. What do you do with a mouth like this? You’re a pelican, you use your mouth as a net to scoop up fish. If you’re an egg-eating snake, you use your mouth to swallow eggs larger than your head. If you’re a mosquito, you use your mouth to suck blood. If you’re an archerfish, you catch insects by shooting them down with a stream of water. If you’re an anteater, you capture termites with your long tongue.