

2018-12-16    01'40''

主播: sun🍩🐵

360 2

shrimp虾 whale鲸鱼 octopus章鱼 Listen to stories: All about the sea.关于大海的一切 Do you like the sea?你喜欢海吗 The sea is very big,Is very beautiful.海很大很美 Shrimp live in the sea.虾生活在大海里 Whales live in the sea.鲸鱼生活在大海里 Octopus live in the sea.章鱼生活在大海里 Many animals live in the sea.许多动物生活在大海里 The sea is their home.大海是它们的家 Where is your home?你的家在哪里呢 I think...我想 As long as love,There is home everywhere. 只有有爱到处都是家
上一期: 猫和老鼠
下一期: 保持清洁