

2018-06-20    01'05''

主播: fortunate🍉

24 0

It’s a doorway into one of the most exotic continents on earth. From the shoreline of the Atlantic Ocean, to the peaks of the high Atlas Mountains, and into the dunes of the Sahara, the landscape is just a backdrop against one of the most diverse countries in all of Africa. With its blend of cultures, languages, religion and cuisine, it’s an oasis of diverse customs and traditions that have heavily influenced this part of the world for centuries. Yet, it’s the heartbeat of this country’s traditions and customs that can be found in the faith and music of the people. This is the gateway to Africa. This is Morocco. 它是通向世界上最具异域风情的大陆的大门。从大西洋的海岸线,到高耸的阿特拉斯山脉,再深入到撒哈拉沙漠的沙丘,这里风景如画,映衬着这个全非洲最具多元化的国家。这里交融了各种文化、语言、宗教和饮食,是一片孕育了多元化习俗和传统的绿洲,这些习俗和传统已经深刻地影响该地区长达几个世纪之久。不过,各种文化、语言、宗教和饮食的交融才是这个国家的传统和习俗的生命,在人们的信仰和音乐中都能发现这种交融。这里是非洲的门户。这就是摩洛哥。