

2015-06-09    05'34''

主播: 跟Sandy学英语看世界

34412 1258

Dear future husband 亲爱的未来老公 Here is a few things you need to know 这里有一些事情你需要知道 If you want to be my one and only all my life 如果你想成为与我共度余生的唯一 Take me on a date 带我去约会 I deserve a treat 我值得拥有一个完美情人 And don't forget the flowers every anniversary 你也不要忘了准备好每次用来庆祝我们的结婚纪念日的鲜花 Cause if you treat me right 假如你好好爱我 I'll be the perfect wife 我也会做个完美老婆 Buy in groceries, buy, 买生活用品 buy what you need 买你需要的一切 You got that 9 to 5, 你说你从早工作到晚 but baby so do I 但亲爱的我不也如此 So don't be thinking 所以不要想着 I'll be home and baking apple pies 我会在家里烤好苹果派等你回来 I never learned to cook 我从来没学过烹饪 But I can find a hook 但是我可以为你哼几句小调 Sing along with me 和我一起唱 Sing, sing along with me 一起唱 You gotta know 你应该知道 how to treat me like a lady 如何待我如淑女一般 Even when I'm acting crazy 即使在我变得歇斯底里的时候 Tell me everything's alright 告诉我一切都会过去的 Dear future husband 亲爱的未来老公 Here is a few things 这里有一些事情 you need to know 你需要知道 If you want to be my one and only all my life 如果你想成为我人生中的唯一 Dear future husband 亲爱的未来老公 If you wanna get that special loving 如果你想得到我这独家特供的爱 Tell me I&`&m beautiful each and every night 那么在每一个充满爱意的晚上都要告诉我我很漂亮 After every fight just apologize 每次吵架后快来道歉 And maybe then 也许之后 I will let you try and rock my body right 我就会允许你我共度良宵 Even if I was wrong 即使我错了 You know I&`&m never wrong 你应该知道我从来都是对的 Why disagree, why, 没有什么不同意, why disagree 没有理由不同意 You gotta know 你应该知道 how to treat me like a lady 如何待我如淑女一般 Even when I&`&m acting crazy 即使有时我表现得不像个淑女 Tell me everything is alright 请你好好地安抚我 Dear future husband 亲爱的未来老公 Here&`&s a few things 这里有一些事情 you need to know 你要知道 If you want to be my one and only all my life 如果你想成为我的毕生挚爱 hey babe 嘿宝贝 Dear future husband 亲爱的未来老公 Make time for me, 请一直陪伴我 don&`&t leave me lonely 别把我一个人丢下 And know we&`&ll never see your family more than mine 你也知道我们一起去看我家人的次数要更多一点 I&`&ll be sleepingon the left side of the bed 床的左边是我的专属 Open the doors for me 当你如绅士一般为我开门时 and you may get some kisses 你也许会得到我的吻作为奖励 Don&`&t have a dirty mind 最好别打歪主意 Just be a classy guy 正经一点 Buy me a ring, 给我买枚戒指 buy,buy me a ring, babe 来见证我们的爱 You gotta know 你应该知道 how to treat me like a lady 如何待我如淑女一般 Even when I&`&m acting crazy 即使在我看起来有些不可理喻的时候 Tell me everything&`&s alright 请告诉我这没什么大不了的 Dear future husband 亲爱的未来老公 Here&`&s a few things 这里有一些事情 you need to know 你需要知道 If you want to be my one and only all my life 如果你想成为我此生唯一 Dear future husband 亲爱的未来老公 If you wanna get that special loving 如果你想得到我那量身打造的爱 Tell me I&`&m beautiful each and every night 那么每晚睡前都要称赞我很漂亮 Oh wo-ah future husband OH~未来老公 Better love me right 请你好好地爱我