世界大不同—那些独特的职业~Unique Jobs

世界大不同—那些独特的职业~Unique Jobs

2017-03-18    03'20''

主播: DW2000

138 6

What is a unique job that you've only seen in your country?在你的国家有哪些独特的工作? Professional car plate number blockers!专业牌照遮挡人! I think this happens only in Tehran. Some people get paid to walk behind your car, so the traffic cameras can not capture your plate number when you enter the restricted traffic areas!我想这种情况只会发生在德黑兰。这些人被雇佣去紧跟在车后面,如此而来,当你进入受限制的交通区域时,交通摄像头不会捕捉到你的车牌号码!