六月漂亮英文1 颠倒的英文  那些要命的不能讲出来的音

六月漂亮英文1 颠倒的英文 那些要命的不能讲出来的音

2014-11-15    24'17''

主播: RichestLibrary

54206 1313

英文怎样在国内被颠倒,被故弄玄虚?这里给你澄清真实的英文。 英文那些要命的,国内90%人的最恐怖的问题,那些不讲,或者只是做个样子,没讲出来的音。 Rich用Michelle Phan 的访谈中的几句话仔细讲解,你也可以做到地道讲出。请发语音信息给Rich 的微信私人帐号 1409513273. Rich会听你有没有做到。 如果你觉得靠自己做不到,可以加入跟Rich单独语音交流项目,给你单独语音指点,细节微信咨询(Rich: 1409513273)。 I would say consistency, constantly uploading a good video. I mean, making a viral video is actually very easy, but having that consistency is very hard. Because there’s expectations that people have and to meet those expectations, it can be difficult. And so having consistency is very key. Also, ah, communicating with your audience, and having this close two way dialogue with them.